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Scan time again

Forums General Melanoma Community Scan time again

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      Hi all,

      Hi all,

      Just coming back to the boards (wow, have they changed!) because my husband has his annual scan tomorrow, and oncology appointment on Wed.  His bloodwork came back fine already.  If all is clear, he will be 8.5 years past his initial diagnosis at stage iiia.  Boy, the anxiety never goes away, but since clear scans have been the norm, it’s not terrible.  Last year, they found a little nodule in his liver, that turned out to be benign on further scans 3 months later.  I’m anticipating a repeat of last year – finding something – but hope it too is benign.  Last year, they did a more detaile CT scan rather than the PET/CTs he had gotten each year prior, so new stuff shows up, I guess.

      Here’s hoping and praying for good scans…


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          Keep us posted.  We love good and encouraging news here.  Yes, the Board format has just recently changed so we’re all experiencing the learning curve.

          Stay Strong

          Stage IV 7/05 Liver Mets




            Sharon in Reno

              Hey Wendy,

              Yes love good news, over 8 yrs makes me cry tears of hope & joy…good for him.. Sending you guys positive vibes for continued clear scans. And I am also still stumbling around the new BB format  and with no spell check… geez…. where’s my dictionary. Much love, Sharon in Reno, Stage IV

              Laurie from maine


                positive thoughts coming your way!  thanks for posting.





                Scan time is the pits!  I’m sure it will all turn out great.  He has a great track record!  Eight years is awesome. I just had my scans this year and I let it bother me for two weeks.  I’m only 18 months from diagnosis, but it sounds like that anxiety never totally goes away.  I’ll be praying for a good outcome for your husband.

                Amy S. in Michigan



                  Hi Wendy,

                  I’ll be sending out good thougths for your husband and hope the scan will be clear other than benign beasties. I have been five years NED at stage III but my PET scans show benign beasties every time I’ve gotten them (lungs, liver, and a variety of other places). It’s very common for benign issues to show up on scans although I know they can be unnerving. Regards, Carver


                     Wendy, Praying for Great Scans.

                    Rocky (Stage IV Liver Mets)


                      It does seem that scans bring forth more scans.  Isn’t it ridiculous how all this becomes the norm?  My anxiety level is not what it used to be…good as long as it doesn’t turn into complacency! 

                      Sending out the very best thoughts for a good outcome on the scan. 

                      And wow 8.5 years…WAHOO!

                      Take good care, K.

                      Lori C

                        Sending "NED" thoughts your way!


                          Update!  My husband’s scans are clear!  I don’t know the details, but his oncology nurse called to let us know that all is good.  (Can we say FANTASTIC office staff at St. Lukes Cancer Center??)

                          So, to recap for those of you looking for survivor stories (as I always have over the years), my husband has been NED for 8.5 years after a stage iiia diagnosis at age 26.  Primary was 1.3mm on the back of his left arm, micrometastasis in the axillary lymph node basin.  Wide excision on the lesion with sentinal node biopsy, followed up in 6 weeks with a complete removal of lymph nodes in the basin.  No other treatments.

                          Whew!!  😀  We’re going to celebrate tonight!

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