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Re-induction IPI; Brain; options/opinions needed.

Forums General Melanoma Community Re-induction IPI; Brain; options/opinions needed.

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      Dear ALL:

      Brief history:  Multiple Lung MMel tumors since Sept. 2010.  Started Caboplatin/Taxol/Avistan.  Seemed to hold them stable. Jan. 26th 2011: Multiple brain tumors found after "clonus" rght. leg twitching/siezures.  Had 7 SRS's and WBR all of Feb.(11 to 14 tumors present, all but 2 or three under 1 cm.)

      Dear ALL:

      Brief history:  Multiple Lung MMel tumors since Sept. 2010.  Started Caboplatin/Taxol/Avistan.  Seemed to hold them stable. Jan. 26th 2011: Multiple brain tumors found after "clonus" rght. leg twitching/siezures.  Had 7 SRS's and WBR all of Feb.(11 to 14 tumors present, all but 2 or three under 1 cm.)

      March/April/May had IPI/ Yervoy 4 infusions) May scans show stable…..Aug. scans show some slight decreases in most lung tumors and brain pretty much stable.  Mid-Aug. started Zelboraf.  Oct. 1st scan shows most small lung tumors gone, and the 3 =/- 1 cm. lung tumors regressing (shrinking).  Brain still more or less stable -possible minimal shrinkage on all but one.

      QUESTIONS:   Since "something" at least kept me stable (with some shrinkage in lungs)  from March to Aug. , common sense tells me it had to be Yervoy  that kept me that way.  I also give Yervoy some credit for brain being mostly stable, although the immediate SRS and WBR in Feb. kept me alive initiallt at least.   !)  Would re-induction of Yervoy (along with contiuation of Zelboraf) be a reasonable proactive approach?   2)  Would some other or added thing- like temodar be an option?  Being that i know i still have several brain tumors that are most likely "alive", should I seek another round of SRS targets- 3 or so more?  

      Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  I'm very lucky to still be alive now- considering the shear 3 of brain tumors initially found, but now that the Zelbofaf and remnants of Yervoy and radiation have kept me stable or regressed, shouldn't  I become as proactive as possible now and go for a "knockout punch"???

      Thanks for listening, and i'm thinking and praying for ALL of You……..I read the posts, but feel i can't add much to really help "clinically""  , but hope I help n my quiet "spiritually" .


      Love ALL, Grady.

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          …..sorry, i meant "the shear # (not 3) of brain tumors initially found- which was 11 or 12 for sure with a couple of ?-able spots.


              Hello Grady,

              I am afraid I can be of no help concerning your treatement, but I have read your history and I just want to say I have a great admiration for what you have been going through the last 2 years. I wish you the very best and a treatment that will stabilize you for a long periode to come. I am glad to see you find help in God; your and everyone's life is in his hands.

              All the best!



                Hello Grady,

                I am afraid I can be of no help concerning your treatement, but I have read your history and I just want to say I have a great admiration for what you have been going through the last 2 years. I wish you the very best and a treatment that will stabilize you for a long periode to come. I am glad to see you find help in God; your and everyone's life is in his hands.

                All the best!



                  Hello Grady,

                  I am afraid I can be of no help concerning your treatement, but I have read your history and I just want to say I have a great admiration for what you have been going through the last 2 years. I wish you the very best and a treatment that will stabilize you for a long periode to come. I am glad to see you find help in God; your and everyone's life is in his hands.

                  All the best!



                  …..sorry, i meant "the shear # (not 3) of brain tumors initially found- which was 11 or 12 for sure with a couple of ?-able spots.


                    …..sorry, i meant "the shear # (not 3) of brain tumors initially found- which was 11 or 12 for sure with a couple of ?-able spots.


                      Grady, I agree that it could be well be that Yervoy has kept the tumours fairly stable for a while. I wonder if IL-2, either alone or combined with more Yervoy would be beneficial to you at this point?

                      Temodar is a chemotherapy drug that is far less sophisticated in what it is designed to do, compared to newer treatments such as Yervoy. However, it may be good as a short-term drug to reduce the tumour load before other treatments are introduced.

                      As you know, there are no easy answers but I feel that sometimes there are glimmers of hope.

                      You are in my thoughts and prayers.

                      Frank from Australia


                          Hi Grady,

                          My suggestion would be to gamma knife the 3 that may be alive and get back into ipi. Your lungs became stable with ipi, it's possible it also did the same thing to your brain mets, so I would definately re-do it.   Since you've also gone ahead and killed as much cells in your brain as you could with WBR, ipi may continue to work.

                          Best of luck!



                            Hi Grady,

                            My suggestion would be to gamma knife the 3 that may be alive and get back into ipi. Your lungs became stable with ipi, it's possible it also did the same thing to your brain mets, so I would definately re-do it.   Since you've also gone ahead and killed as much cells in your brain as you could with WBR, ipi may continue to work.

                            Best of luck!



                              Hi Grady,

                              My suggestion would be to gamma knife the 3 that may be alive and get back into ipi. Your lungs became stable with ipi, it's possible it also did the same thing to your brain mets, so I would definately re-do it.   Since you've also gone ahead and killed as much cells in your brain as you could with WBR, ipi may continue to work.

                              Best of luck!



                              Grady, I agree that it could be well be that Yervoy has kept the tumours fairly stable for a while. I wonder if IL-2, either alone or combined with more Yervoy would be beneficial to you at this point?

                              Temodar is a chemotherapy drug that is far less sophisticated in what it is designed to do, compared to newer treatments such as Yervoy. However, it may be good as a short-term drug to reduce the tumour load before other treatments are introduced.

                              As you know, there are no easy answers but I feel that sometimes there are glimmers of hope.

                              You are in my thoughts and prayers.

                              Frank from Australia


                                Grady, I agree that it could be well be that Yervoy has kept the tumours fairly stable for a while. I wonder if IL-2, either alone or combined with more Yervoy would be beneficial to you at this point?

                                Temodar is a chemotherapy drug that is far less sophisticated in what it is designed to do, compared to newer treatments such as Yervoy. However, it may be good as a short-term drug to reduce the tumour load before other treatments are introduced.

                                As you know, there are no easy answers but I feel that sometimes there are glimmers of hope.

                                You are in my thoughts and prayers.

                                Frank from Australia


                                  you might look into Abraxane, a chemo which crosses the blood brain barrier. My wife was on it, but unfortunately has had to cease that treatment for unrelated reasons. 


                                    you might look into Abraxane, a chemo which crosses the blood brain barrier. My wife was on it, but unfortunately has had to cease that treatment for unrelated reasons. 


                                      you might look into Abraxane, a chemo which crosses the blood brain barrier. My wife was on it, but unfortunately has had to cease that treatment for unrelated reasons. 

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