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Question on Nodular Melanoma

Forums General Melanoma Community Question on Nodular Melanoma

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      I just recently shaved my head for the summer.   I noticed a pinkish bump on my scalp.  It is pretty small maybe 2-3mm at most.   I actually remember a few years back picking at the spot and thinking it might be a scab.  It never came off and when I looked in the mirror it was a pink bump. It still looks the same as it did a few years ago.   I googled the term pink bump on scalp and nodular melanoma showed up and so did spitzoid melanoma. 


      My question is do nodular melanoma's/spitzoid melanomas grow like other melanoma's ?  So if this bump was a spitzoid or nodular melanoma It would be somewhat bigger several years later ?     I have a ton of those red, stupid cherry hemangioma's on my body as well.   So I am trying not to over react to this bump as it might simply be one of those. 


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          Nodular melanoma has a reputation for fast growing.  If that were nodular melanoma, it would be changing quickly and noticeably.

          ANY melanoma will change over time.  If it's been stable for years, it isn't something I'd be worrying about.


            Nodular melanoma has a reputation for fast growing.  If that were nodular melanoma, it would be changing quickly and noticeably.

            ANY melanoma will change over time.  If it's been stable for years, it isn't something I'd be worrying about.


              Nodular melanoma has a reputation for fast growing.  If that were nodular melanoma, it would be changing quickly and noticeably.

              ANY melanoma will change over time.  If it's been stable for years, it isn't something I'd be worrying about.


                I would still get it checked just to be safe ๐Ÿ™‚


                  I would still get it checked just to be safe ๐Ÿ™‚


                    I would still get it checked just to be safe ๐Ÿ™‚

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