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Post Yervoy scan result questions

Forums General Melanoma Community Post Yervoy scan result questions

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      I am stage IV…..mets in lung and liver. I had 3 infusions of Yervoy….had to forego the 4th because of colitis. I was thrilled when my first scans following the 3 infusions showed marked shrinking of the nodules in the lungs and the total resolving of a couple lung nodules. There was also an indication that several liver nodules were diminishing. There was no sign of new metastasis.  3 months later I was scanned again. There was no additional disease, but also no further diminishing……classified as stable.  Is it probable that I have received whatever benefit from Yervoy that I am going to receive?  Or is it possible that the Yervoy may yet continue to work to destroy more nodules? I of course had hoped to see less disease the second scan…naturally had hoped for NED….but I would like to hear from anyone who could shed some light as to whether I could expect further improvement after being stable last time.   I am grateful for stability, but as you all know, disappearing disease is what we all hope and pray for. Is it most likely that the Yervoy has done what it is going to do? I have scans again next month, and I am nervous and wondering. Thank you for your input….and bless each of you on this road with me.

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          Nell, I've asked my onc, and she confirmed, that it is possible to see ipi-induced stability without getting to NED.  Sort of like a stalemate between your immune system and melanoma.  PS-the prevailing view is that prednisone does not inhibit ipi's effect on melanoma.  There is a paper on this by Wolchok as a co-author.


              Is there any other alternative to prednisone? I wonder about the side effects it has on mood.

              Thank you


                Is there any other alternative to prednisone? I wonder about the side effects it has on mood.

                Thank you


                  Is there any other alternative to prednisone? I wonder about the side effects it has on mood.

                  Thank you


                  Nell, I've asked my onc, and she confirmed, that it is possible to see ipi-induced stability without getting to NED.  Sort of like a stalemate between your immune system and melanoma.  PS-the prevailing view is that prednisone does not inhibit ipi's effect on melanoma.  There is a paper on this by Wolchok as a co-author.


                    Nell, I've asked my onc, and she confirmed, that it is possible to see ipi-induced stability without getting to NED.  Sort of like a stalemate between your immune system and melanoma.  PS-the prevailing view is that prednisone does not inhibit ipi's effect on melanoma.  There is a paper on this by Wolchok as a co-author.

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