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P13K or Mek inhibitor, Anyone??

Forums General Melanoma Community P13K or Mek inhibitor, Anyone??

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      Hi All,

      My husband is about to start a combo trial of BKM120 ( a P13K inhibitor) and GSK1120212 ( a MEK inhibitor). Just wondering if anybody on the board has taken either of these drugs separately? and if so what were the side effects and results?

      Hubby is stage IV with bone mets and 1 soft tissue tumour, and about to start radiation for the bone mets pain this week.



      Hi All,

      My husband is about to start a combo trial of BKM120 ( a P13K inhibitor) and GSK1120212 ( a MEK inhibitor). Just wondering if anybody on the board has taken either of these drugs separately? and if so what were the side effects and results?

      Hubby is stage IV with bone mets and 1 soft tissue tumour, and about to start radiation for the bone mets pain this week.



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    • Replies
        Lori CO

          Hi Emily,

          I've been on the GSK MEK trial since March with good results, 3 tumors have completely disappeared. The side effects were terrible at first until the dosage was lowered from 2.5 mg to 2.0 mg. Now they are pretty minimal. The worst is the rash which I keep under control with cream and antibiotics. It has gotten better over time. I also watch what I eat to prevent stomach aches.

          Where is the BKM120 trial? I am being treated at the University of Colorado Cancer Center. 

          Good luck to both of you and I hope you will post your husband's progress on the trial.


          Stage IV

          Grand Junction, CO



              We are actually getting Derek's tumour tested for this trial here in Toronto for the NRAS mutation.  Where are you enrolled and how is it going


                We are actually getting Derek's tumour tested for this trial here in Toronto for the NRAS mutation.  Where are you enrolled and how is it going


                  That's great news… thanks for the info.

                  The combo trial is at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto.




                    That's great news… thanks for the info.

                    The combo trial is at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto.



                  Lori CO

                    Hi Emily,

                    I've been on the GSK MEK trial since March with good results, 3 tumors have completely disappeared. The side effects were terrible at first until the dosage was lowered from 2.5 mg to 2.0 mg. Now they are pretty minimal. The worst is the rash which I keep under control with cream and antibiotics. It has gotten better over time. I also watch what I eat to prevent stomach aches.

                    Where is the BKM120 trial? I am being treated at the University of Colorado Cancer Center. 

                    Good luck to both of you and I hope you will post your husband's progress on the trial.


                    Stage IV

                    Grand Junction, CO


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