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no amputation

Forums General Melanoma Community no amputation

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      ok my mom  a stage 4 since 2001, first was in 1982 left heel. with recurrances 2005 2009 and now 2011.

       2001 was in her belly encased in a lympnode, well now 3 soft tuessue mass same foot but up near ankle more now,

      ok my mom  a stage 4 since 2001, first was in 1982 left heel. with recurrances 2005 2009 and now 2011.

       2001 was in her belly encased in a lympnode, well now 3 soft tuessue mass same foot but up near ankle more now,

       seen orto, onco dr today and he said he could amputate but no  guranty that it will not come back, she is 75 and not in the greatest of health, so she was happy with the decision not to amputate but  they r just going to let it go and when they get bigger and causing pain try rads for pain relief,  but she has said she want quality of life at this point,

       i hate this cancer crap

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    • Replies

          So the tumors are not operable?  Or does your mom not want them operated on. 

          I think the decision not to amputate is the right one.  75 is not THAT old, but if there are other health considerations maybe what they are doing is best.  However, I would personally like to see a a middle ground taken.

          Have you or your doctors heard of the cream that has been used for subq. tumors. (this is not an internet snsation but a valid medication).   I know it is being in Australia and I think it can be found in Canada.  Not sure about the U.S. but it seems to have some decent results.  Can someone chime in about it?


          Stage 3


              I know your mom has heart problems, can they offer any systemic treatment? Have they nixed all?

              This cream sounds interesting for sub-qs.  Does anybody else have info on it. I too would be very interested.  Val


                 her left heel is about gone now from 3 surgeries,  the dr said he really does not want to keep going in  will just countiunue to come back, she has had in the past heart failer, a stroke , she had had 18 units of blood in the last 2 years. they have no clue why,

                 just aggravating,


                   her left heel is about gone now from 3 surgeries,  the dr said he really does not want to keep going in  will just countiunue to come back, she has had in the past heart failer, a stroke , she had had 18 units of blood in the last 2 years. they have no clue why,

                   just aggravating,


                    I know your mom has heart problems, can they offer any systemic treatment? Have they nixed all?

                    This cream sounds interesting for sub-qs.  Does anybody else have info on it. I too would be very interested.  Val


                      Hey anon,

                      I totally agree but look at the article I just posted. Titled something like "subq cream".

                      It looks like a different kind of cream and looks legit.

                      Nicki, Stage 3, scalp


                        Hey anon,

                        I totally agree but look at the article I just posted. Titled something like "subq cream".

                        It looks like a different kind of cream and looks legit.

                        Nicki, Stage 3, scalp


                        So the tumors are not operable?  Or does your mom not want them operated on. 

                        I think the decision not to amputate is the right one.  75 is not THAT old, but if there are other health considerations maybe what they are doing is best.  However, I would personally like to see a a middle ground taken.

                        Have you or your doctors heard of the cream that has been used for subq. tumors. (this is not an internet snsation but a valid medication).   I know it is being in Australia and I think it can be found in Canada.  Not sure about the U.S. but it seems to have some decent results.  Can someone chime in about it?


                        Stage 3


                          I think your mom made a wise decision. I would want them to try and remove the tumors but it would depend on her pain levels and how fast they are growing. 

                          Please keep us up to date!



                            I think your mom made a wise decision. I would want them to try and remove the tumors but it would depend on her pain levels and how fast they are growing. 

                            Please keep us up to date!


                              Has direct injections been discussed with the Onc?
                              Rose Bengal is the one that has been shown to have some effect on distant tumors, but direct injection of other drugs into tumors has also had local effects on individual tumors.
                              Charlie S had success with direct injection of a coule of things last year. I am not sure just which two worked for him. He tried several of the Il-s.
                                Has direct injections been discussed with the Onc?
                                Rose Bengal is the one that has been shown to have some effect on distant tumors, but direct injection of other drugs into tumors has also had local effects on individual tumors.
                                Charlie S had success with direct injection of a coule of things last year. I am not sure just which two worked for him. He tried several of the Il-s.
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