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Newly Diagnosed Stage 3a

Forums General Melanoma Community Newly Diagnosed Stage 3a

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      Hi everyone! Just background—found a spot on my ear In April. Have had “precancerous” places before removed, so I headed to dermatologist. After 3 weeks of waiting bc it was sent to 2 pathologist, I was diagnosed with .9 with ulceration Mel. After visiting a couple drs about 4 weeks apart, I finally had an ear resection and 5 lymph nodes removed. 1 came back positive. So waited 2 weeks to see oncologist and was diagnosed stage 3a. Had a pet scan yesterday and it was all clear!!!(YES!!) I meet with oncologist Monday to start Obdivo. I am a kindergarten teacher and pretty scared bc of side effects I have read about. I know everyone is different. I am so glad I found this forum, because I can’t talk to many people about melanoma. It’s a different kind of cancer and everyone tries to compare it others. They want to know why I have no answers at certain points and why we have to wait on everything. It gets very frustrating!
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          Welcome Jmbaker4! Well thats great news! I was 3b when i was 1st diagnosed back in 2008 and im still here! Opdivo sounds good at this point for you, dont even stress on side effects, Opdivo is VERY tolerable for most, the worst that could happen is a certain “gland” will get mad at ya and let you know about it!! Haha…welcome aboard to our board! Lol…
            Sorry you have the need to join us, JM! You’re right, melanoma is special and sucks great big green stinky hairy wizard balls for all involved!! Still, Mike is on point!!! You caught it relatively early, your scans are clear, and you have a great plan for adjuvant care. (Your opdivo treament.) We have learned it works!!! Side effects vary, but I worked through taking it for 2 1/2 years in a clinical trial for Stage IV melanoma and I’m still here!!! Last dose of Opdivo was in June of 2013 and I remain NED (having ‘no evidence of disease’) for melanoma.. Hang in there. Ask questions as you have the need. There are lots of knowledgeable and caring peeps on this board. I wish you my best. Celeste
              Welcome JM and congrats on the clear scan! As previously mentioned by two of the many kind and thoughtful people on this forum, Opdivo/Nivo side effects vary, but the drug tends to be well tolerated. I did a dose every two weeks (rather than every four) and own side effects on it were mild. Again, welcome.
              ed williams
                Hi there JMBaker4, just one question for you did they test your tumor to see if you are Braf positive which would make targeted therapy an option??? Here is a link to ASCO 2019 ONclive peer panel talk about what do oncologist need to discuss when making decisions for adjuvant (stage 3) patients. Good luck with the Opdivo treatments they have saved my life going on 6 years stage four with brain and lung mets!!!Ed
                  ed williams
                    I should add that ONclive will want you to join, it is free and it is a great source of melanoma information!!! The peer panel sessions eventually end up on YouTube as well, here is a link to another adjuvant talk on Braf mutation testing from ASCO meetings in June of 2019.
                    ed williams
                      One more link if you are interested on Braf testing!!!
                        She was testing for the BRAF but at today’s appt she didn’t mention it. I will message them to ask again! Thanks for the info!!!!!:)
                        I am stage 3 and currently on Opdivo. I have had 4 infusions so far and I have them every 4 weeks. The only side effects I have had so far is being tired and my liver enzymes went up some but then came back down. I’m also a new mom so not sure if the tiredness is from Opdivo or from my sweet baby girl 🙂
                            I am stage 3c and had 1 infusion of Opdivo on June 1st (monthly dose). I have had 2 side effects. The first is being very tired (think of a battery running down). An hour nap and I’m good for usually the rest of the day. The second is PMR like symptoms (polymyalgia Rheumatica). Sore shoulders, upper arms and hips. My Kaiser doc doesn’t want to put me on steroids because he believes it will counteract the opdivo. We will treat the symptoms with pain meds going forward. I had to skip my July dose but will start again in August.
                              Glad to know this! Enjoy that baby girl!!! 🙂
                            A girl with a mole
                              Hi! It is interesting to me why did they remove you 5 lymph nodes? It was found during the Sentinel biopsy?
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