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Need Ipi side effect help, please

Forums General Melanoma Community Need Ipi side effect help, please

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      Last night I woke up with a 101.4 fever.  Shivering, the whole bit.  My normal temp is 97.8 – 98.  I called Dr. Wolchuk's office today and the nurse said to call if it gets that high again and I'd talk with the fellow (I think Wolchuk's out of town??) about what to do…don't even take tylenol until I call.  Also, my whole body aches.

      Ayone experience this?


      Many thanks,



      Last night I woke up with a 101.4 fever.  Shivering, the whole bit.  My normal temp is 97.8 – 98.  I called Dr. Wolchuk's office today and the nurse said to call if it gets that high again and I'd talk with the fellow (I think Wolchuk's out of town??) about what to do…don't even take tylenol until I call.  Also, my whole body aches.

      Ayone experience this?


      Many thanks,


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          I didn't have a fever with ipi.

          Are you comfortable with what the nurse suggested? Because it is YOUR body, and get thee to the ER if you feel something is seriously wrong! Let them sort it out if necessary. 

          Better to err on the side of caution, I don't much like the "don't even take Tylenol" comment…

          Mainly, just listen to YOUR little voice. The  times I've ignored it, I've regretted it!

          Prayers that you feel much better, and Ipi kicks mels butt!




            I didn't have a fever with ipi.

            Are you comfortable with what the nurse suggested? Because it is YOUR body, and get thee to the ER if you feel something is seriously wrong! Let them sort it out if necessary. 

            Better to err on the side of caution, I don't much like the "don't even take Tylenol" comment…

            Mainly, just listen to YOUR little voice. The  times I've ignored it, I've regretted it!

            Prayers that you feel much better, and Ipi kicks mels butt!


            MaryBeth and Jeff

              Yes my usband experienced this one week afte his 1st dose. Took him in and found he was dehydrated had fluid on his lungs, All quik

              cly and successfully  treated with antibiotics and fluids for dehydration.

              MaryBeth and Jeff

                Yes my usband experienced this one week afte his 1st dose. Took him in and found he was dehydrated had fluid on his lungs, All quik

                cly and successfully  treated with antibiotics and fluids for dehydration.


                  Hmm.  No, I didn't like her remark about the tylenol, cause what am I supposed to do with a lower-grade fever & the body aches?  I think I'll call again and ask that question.

                  However, I'm reluctent to go to the ER if they don't know anything about Ipi! 

                  Thank you both.  I know I'll be upping my fluids for sure!

                  stay strong,




                      You might want to clarify if the tylenol comment was just for high grade fevers or also for low grade.  A few months ago my liver numbers were off. They told me no tylenol till numbers were normal. Tylenol can do some wicked stuff!  My numbers were because of a drug interaction. 




                        You might want to clarify if the tylenol comment was just for high grade fevers or also for low grade.  A few months ago my liver numbers were off. They told me no tylenol till numbers were normal. Tylenol can do some wicked stuff!  My numbers were because of a drug interaction. 



                        Hmm.  No, I didn't like her remark about the tylenol, cause what am I supposed to do with a lower-grade fever & the body aches?  I think I'll call again and ask that question.

                        However, I'm reluctent to go to the ER if they don't know anything about Ipi! 

                        Thank you both.  I know I'll be upping my fluids for sure!

                        stay strong,


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