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Need help reading a mole biopsy

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Need help reading a mole biopsy

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      Hello. I have a few abnormal moles, for example they are raised and range from tan, to dark brown. A couple of weeks ago one of these moles turned black, fell off, and grew back within a week. I had this mole removed last week and got the results this morning via email.

      I’m out of town currently so am unable to meet with my doctor for another 2 weeks and was hoping someone could help me understand this. Thanks.

      Final DX
      Skin, right arm, shave biopsy:
      Traumatized/irritated compound nevus with occasional dermal mitotic figures, involving the margins. See comments.

      Deeper levels were examined. Due to the presence of occasional dermal mitotic figures, re-excision to ensure complete removal is reccomend.

      Gross description:
      Recieved is one container specimen in formalin, labeled with proper patient identification. Designated “arm right” is a 0.8cm skin shave with a 0.4cm pink-brown papule. Inked red and submitted sectioned through the papule, entirely in A1. MJG

      Microscopic examination performed.

      Thanks again for any help.

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    • Replies
          Hi mamashay, I’m Mike nice to meet you, well, I’m not a good “reader” of pathology reports but, I do know this, your report does Not say “Melanoma” in this round, it’s recommended to do an excision to get the rest out, hopefully that additional pathology report doesn’t diagnose you with Melanoma, I wanna say so far your looking good!
              Thank you so much. Google was definitely eating me.
              Here is the lay explanation: pathologist saw a traumatized mole. Sometimes when moles are traumatized, they may look odd. Because it looks a little odd, he or she recommended to completely cut it out. That’s really all there is to it.
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