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need help about ipi

Forums General Melanoma Community need help about ipi

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    arnie and sherry

      my husband had gama knife end of june five brain mets, what can we do next?

      my husband had gama knife end of june five brain mets, what can we do next?

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        MaryBeth and Jeff

          Wish I can tell you what next. But I can share what Yervoy did for my husbands brain mets…19 of them. All either gone or insignificant.  Gamma Knife Rad clearly stated it was the Yervoy not the gamma that did it. Unfortunately, Yervoy has not been successful in his body. But we know now from this that Yervoy DID pass the blood brain barrier with success.

            arnie and sherry

              Thank you mary for writing  I am knew to writing on here my husband arnie went to the doctor  tuesday and i asked him about ipi he said with having gama knife he did not need it right now but he said he would check into it he sent some tissue off  to be tested   i guess for clinical trials

              arnie and sherry

                Thank you mary for writing  I am knew to writing on here my husband arnie went to the doctor  tuesday and i asked him about ipi he said with having gama knife he did not need it right now but he said he would check into it he sent some tissue off  to be tested   i guess for clinical trials

              MaryBeth and Jeff

                Wish I can tell you what next. But I can share what Yervoy did for my husbands brain mets…19 of them. All either gone or insignificant.  Gamma Knife Rad clearly stated it was the Yervoy not the gamma that did it. Unfortunately, Yervoy has not been successful in his body. But we know now from this that Yervoy DID pass the blood brain barrier with success.


                  Yervoy, BRAF inhibtors, IL-2, and ordinary chemo are some options. However, your husband's oncologist will need to give you his opinion on what treatment could be tried next. A lot depends on your husband's condition, and ideally a medical oncologist should be consulted.

                  Best wishes

                  Frank from Australia


                    Yervoy, BRAF inhibtors, IL-2, and ordinary chemo are some options. However, your husband's oncologist will need to give you his opinion on what treatment could be tried next. A lot depends on your husband's condition, and ideally a medical oncologist should be consulted.

                    Best wishes

                    Frank from Australia

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