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Methotrexate safe or not

Forums General Melanoma Community Methotrexate safe or not

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      Hi everyone. In June I was diagnosed with 3a. No treatment was recommended, jut close monitoring. Now I have a different problem. I have psoriasis which recently flared up. My dermatologist recommended Methotrexate. No one on my team of physicians is able to give me the straight answer if taking this drug is safe in patient with melanoma. Any input is highly appreciated .
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          Hi, I am also 3a and I have Psoriasis. Dermatologist recommended systemic treatment ,since it got worse in recent months , but only ,once I am off BRAK/MEK Inhibitors, which I am taken as part of my adjuvant regime. (10 months so far, 2 months to go).
          I will definitely refrain from getting systemic treatment on my psoriasis. Nobody knows 100% which switches are flipped in your body with these biologics and I prefer not to run any risks, which might trigger a recurrence of my melanoma, however stupid this sounds.

          And .. by the way, I guess the chances of dying from Psoriasis are pretty slim compared to melanoma, although 3a has a pretty sound prognosis and getting better by the minute.

          Hope this helps.

          Hang in there and take good care


              Again, I am no expert and since Methotrexate is also used by oncologists, this immune modulator might be safe and eradicate your psoriasis. A melanoma expert ought to advise you on the matter.
              Are you seeing a melanoma specialist? Because I would prefer oncologist confirm that is a good choice.

              It is hard, hard when one condition interferes with another and makes treatment choices for you. But as someone else has said, psoriasis is unpleasant but I don’t think it kills.

                Thank you both for your input. Yes, I spoke with my oncologist, and another melanoma specialist. They both said it’s probably safe to take it . However, there are no sufficient studies to confirm it. I resisted taking any medication for years but now it’s at the point where it interferes with my quality of life. It’s on my palms and soles of my feet. It makes it hard to walk or touch anything. So many things in this melanoma world are just a guess. For someone who is very black and white like me it’s a torture.

                    I have been taking methotrexate for my psoriasis for over ten years.

                    I was diagnosed with a melanoma insitu over three years ago.

                    The regimen of once a week methotrexate rarely has much impact on the immune system. It is more a anti-inflammatory action.

                    My immunologist and dermatologist feel there is no risk in taking the once a week methotrexate. It keeps my skin clear.

                    Everyone has to make their own decisions regarding medication but I don’t hesitate to take the methotrexate.

                    There are also some new biologics that attack very specific inflammatory markers, which they also believe are safe to take and do not increase your risk for melanoma.

                    I’m not a doctor but both my doctor’s are experts and I have put my faith in their opinions.

                    I hope you find a treatment that works for you.

                      Hi Slholmdahl. This is really helpful. Thank you for taking time to answer my questions. Do you have any side effects from methotrexate?
                        No side effects currently. We have slowly lowered the dose and I take 7.5mg a week, the lowest therapeutic dose. At much higher dosages my white blood cell count would drop but that is easily remedied by a dosage adjustment.


                          Thank you Sue..
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