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Forums General Melanoma Community MEK TRIAL VS YEROY- HELP

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    kris herrington

      Hello all…

      Got a big decision to make…and I'm looking for some advice.  I am stage 4. met in my lungs and abdomen, all over really. I just finished taking the BRAF Plexxicon drug in august, since being off the drug the mets have gone crazy and are increasing rapidly. I am BRAF V600K,  not V600E so they think thats why I may not have responded to the Plexxicon.  I was just rejected at the NIH for the TIL trial. So now my options are to start the MEK trial or start on Yeroy.

      Hello all…

      Got a big decision to make…and I'm looking for some advice.  I am stage 4. met in my lungs and abdomen, all over really. I just finished taking the BRAF Plexxicon drug in august, since being off the drug the mets have gone crazy and are increasing rapidly. I am BRAF V600K,  not V600E so they think thats why I may not have responded to the Plexxicon.  I was just rejected at the NIH for the TIL trial. So now my options are to start the MEK trial or start on Yeroy.

      The trial doctor doesn't have any stats on teh MEK except to tell me that people that did not respond to the Plexxicon did respond to the MEK, but couldn't tell me much more.

      My oncologist tells me to start Yeroy that I need something different than a BRAF drug. I'm concerned about the Yeroy as it is very toxic and that the response rates are so low. I was told today that the overal survival was 2.1 months but that others, less than 10% of the people were out 1-3 years.

      If I take the Yeroy now, it basically exculedes me from any trials at this time if it doesn't work. All I got left is chemo and we all know this doesn't have great results.

      I progressed slightly on the Plexxicon (2011)

      Did not respong to IL-2(2011)

      Did not respong to Interferon (2009)


      Soo I'll take any suggestions, advice, stories.. anything… HELP!!!


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    • Replies
        Bonnie Lea

          Hello Kris   I cannot help nor give advice.  But maybe if you were able to post on our other board  there are many there who can and will help you

          Bonnie Lea

          Bonnie Lea

            Hello Kris   I cannot help nor give advice.  But maybe if you were able to post on our other board  there are many there who can and will help you

            Bonnie Lea


              Kris, you have posted this in the off-topic forum. Not many people visit this forum at
              the moment, as it is for things that aren't directly related to melanoma. Therefore, it
              would be good if you could post in the main forum instead. See:

              Sorry to read that you have stopped responding to the BRAF inhibitor. I feel that Yervoy
              is not especially toxic and most people are able to tolerate it quiet well. Many people
              think that it is worth trying, and some have had good results with it.

              Please don't worry about statistics, as they are really only a rough indicator of what
              might happen. Many people in the main forum continue to defy statistics at all stages of

              Hope to read your response in the main forum.

              Frank from Australia


                Kris, you have posted this in the off-topic forum. Not many people visit this forum at
                the moment, as it is for things that aren't directly related to melanoma. Therefore, it
                would be good if you could post in the main forum instead. See:

                Sorry to read that you have stopped responding to the BRAF inhibitor. I feel that Yervoy
                is not especially toxic and most people are able to tolerate it quiet well. Many people
                think that it is worth trying, and some have had good results with it.

                Please don't worry about statistics, as they are really only a rough indicator of what
                might happen. Many people in the main forum continue to defy statistics at all stages of

                Hope to read your response in the main forum.

                Frank from Australia

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