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Lump under skin – removed today and really worried

Forums General Melanoma Community Lump under skin – removed today and really worried

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      I had a .6mm spitzoid melanoma removed from my right arm in 2018. A few weeks ago on the same side up on shoulder near my neck I felt what I first thought was a pimple. It didn’t go away and turned into a lump under the skin and today my dermatologist removed it and sent it for biopsy. I am obviously pretty upset. It has been six years and I notice from other stories in this forum that this is often the timeframe when melanoma returns. Can anyone share their similar stories? Thank you.
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        ed williams
          Been dealing with stage 4 for the last decade and pretty active in melanoma facebook groups and used to be active here on MRF when it used to be an active busy site. Until the pathology report comes back there is no sense jumping the gun. I have had probably 3 similar removals and biopsy taken with two no problems and one which was above skin not below turning out to be a small basal cell carcinoma. Getting it out early is always good. All kinds of crazy shit grows under the skin, watch a few episodes of Pimple popper show and you will see they never know until report comes back. What were the comments by the person who removed the tissue? Usually requires a high powered microscope to know accurately what they are dealing with.
            Thank you for responding. I need to remember that worrying helps nothing. I have a wonderful dermatologist who keeps a good eye on me and that’s all I can ask since this will be a lifelong journey. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
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