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Kidney Surgery :-(

Forums General Melanoma Community Kidney Surgery :-(

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      Well, there's no getting out of it; I have to go to MAYO in AZ for a (partial?) nephrectomy, this month. The big question is – renal or mel? No one knows & I'll have to wait for pathology. The good news is, I know I'll have excellent care & compared to the local surgeon's assessment, they won't need to remove a rib to get to the 4 CM tumor, which infringes the vascular system @ the renal pelvis. MAYO hopes to spare a part of the kidney, especially w/ my melanoma but won't know until they're in there. Prayers appreciated, as I had not wanted to travel for major surgery but feel it is the right decision.

      Separately, still recovering from WLE & reconstruction on my right ear from an invasive basal @ the helix, extending down almost the length & width of my thumb! Ugh … I knew there was a reason for growing out my hair 😉

      Praying for Celeste & all of my mel Family … stay strong & keep fighting!

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          Sorry to hear this – I hope it turns out to be less serious and wish you all the best for your surgery


              Mark, thanks for the encouragement! I'm @ MAYO for all of the preop, this week … then, surgery on the 25th.

              I hope your journey is on the road of recovery & improvement!


              I’m so sorry you have to go through this – it sounds like you’re going to the right place, despite not only having the surgery but traveling to boot. Hang in there. 



                  Beth, thank you for your kindness. I really appreciate it!

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