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Ipi anxiety…

Forums General Melanoma Community Ipi anxiety…

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      Hey fellow warriors,

      I was taken off zelboraf a couple of months ago at my doc’s suggestion so I could start ipi and hope for a more durable result. I am starting to get really nervous because the subq tumor that was basically gone after two months of zelboraf is now back and seems to be even larger than before starting zelboraf. I am supposed to go for my third ipi infusion this Thursday. Clearly it hasnt started to work yet and i am beginning to get worried that the ipi wont work at all. And given the size of this subq I am wondering just how large my other mets are getting. Has anyone else had what seems to be rapid growth after starting ipi? If so did you then respond later?

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    • Replies

          I don't think that it is unusual for a tumour to form shortly after one has had Zelboraf. Ipi (Yervoy) does take some time to work, depending on one's individual circumstances. However, some people have achieved a very long duration of response and hopefully this will apply in your case.

          Hope this helps

          Frank from Australia


            I don't think that it is unusual for a tumour to form shortly after one has had Zelboraf. Ipi (Yervoy) does take some time to work, depending on one's individual circumstances. However, some people have achieved a very long duration of response and hopefully this will apply in your case.

            Hope this helps

            Frank from Australia


              I don't think that it is unusual for a tumour to form shortly after one has had Zelboraf. Ipi (Yervoy) does take some time to work, depending on one's individual circumstances. However, some people have achieved a very long duration of response and hopefully this will apply in your case.

              Hope this helps

              Frank from Australia

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