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Ipi – 1 year after

Forums General Melanoma Community Ipi – 1 year after

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      Hi all


      Just an update about my wife:

      She begun ipi treatment March 11, 2011, the scans in June revealed that ipi had worked very well.

      Here almost a year after, she is still NED. It is still unbelievable. To all you Warriors out there: keep fighting..!!!

      I dont know, why ipi worked so well on my wife, but she had always been positive, even when it was worse, with hope and believe in her heart.

      Hi all


      Just an update about my wife:

      She begun ipi treatment March 11, 2011, the scans in June revealed that ipi had worked very well.

      Here almost a year after, she is still NED. It is still unbelievable. To all you Warriors out there: keep fighting..!!!

      I dont know, why ipi worked so well on my wife, but she had always been positive, even when it was worse, with hope and believe in her heart.

      AND she went to a chinese doctor (who graduated in Beijing) and got acupuncture twice a week. Its impossible to say what makes you a responder, but I recommend the following, because it helped my wife. Maybe a combination got rid of the cancer?!


      1) Stay positive (like himynameiskevin – a virtual lighttower for me and my family through 2011, all my hopes and prayers goes to you our fellow warrior)

      2) Keep faith  that you someday will be NED.

      3) Acupuncture, one or twice a week. Be sure that it is a original chinese doctor. Here in Europe, many try to learn the profession, but I think you have to be Chinese to really understand was goes on in your body, their knowledge about the bodybalance etc.

      4) AVOID SUGAR! I know it´s hard to implement, but the craving only lasts a week or two, then your mind and body has written sugar off! Remember this: cancer cells gets nutrition from glycose/sugar. Cut sugar off and let the cancer cells starve to death! Many patients with cancer have a extraordinary desire for sugar, possibly related to the desire of the cancercells. Get the natural sugar from fruits instead. 

      5) Excercise at least 3 times a week. Exercise is good for the immunesystem and is a part of preparing your body to fight the cancer. Besides it is good for your mind, and maybe you will loose weight as well.


      Keep fighting all my friend




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    • Replies

          Great news.Hoping your future is NED lifelong.Love some positve stories.want everyone here to have the same.     Al


            Great news.Hoping your future is NED lifelong.Love some positve stories.want everyone here to have the same.     Al


              Great news.Hoping your future is NED lifelong.Love some positve stories.want everyone here to have the same.     Al


                i agree with you especially about accupuncture…i am having a big fight right now with the hospital because they won't take my insurance for accupuncture treatments…to all out there, SUGAR FEEDS CANCER and that includes grains, alcohol, fruit sugars…and if I can avoid them, ANYONE CAN because i am a SUGAR ADDICT



                  i agree with you especially about accupuncture…i am having a big fight right now with the hospital because they won't take my insurance for accupuncture treatments…to all out there, SUGAR FEEDS CANCER and that includes grains, alcohol, fruit sugars…and if I can avoid them, ANYONE CAN because i am a SUGAR ADDICT



                    i agree with you especially about accupuncture…i am having a big fight right now with the hospital because they won't take my insurance for accupuncture treatments…to all out there, SUGAR FEEDS CANCER and that includes grains, alcohol, fruit sugars…and if I can avoid them, ANYONE CAN because i am a SUGAR ADDICT



                      This is GREAT TO HEAR.  I had my Yervoy/IPI from Sept 2011 thru Nov 2011.  My first checkup in Dec 2011, showed Liver & Lung tumors all shrinking.  Then I went back on March 2012, and tumors were shrinking even more than before and no new tumors growing anyplace else!!   So Yervoy is currently doing it's magic on myself as well, we're one of the lucky 1 out of 7 people it works for so far!!  I hope to have continued success and to reach 1+ years like your wife…lets hope it lasts much longer for both of us, and we can make these statistics kiss our butts!


                        This is GREAT TO HEAR.  I had my Yervoy/IPI from Sept 2011 thru Nov 2011.  My first checkup in Dec 2011, showed Liver & Lung tumors all shrinking.  Then I went back on March 2012, and tumors were shrinking even more than before and no new tumors growing anyplace else!!   So Yervoy is currently doing it's magic on myself as well, we're one of the lucky 1 out of 7 people it works for so far!!  I hope to have continued success and to reach 1+ years like your wife…lets hope it lasts much longer for both of us, and we can make these statistics kiss our butts!


                          This is GREAT TO HEAR.  I had my Yervoy/IPI from Sept 2011 thru Nov 2011.  My first checkup in Dec 2011, showed Liver & Lung tumors all shrinking.  Then I went back on March 2012, and tumors were shrinking even more than before and no new tumors growing anyplace else!!   So Yervoy is currently doing it's magic on myself as well, we're one of the lucky 1 out of 7 people it works for so far!!  I hope to have continued success and to reach 1+ years like your wife…lets hope it lasts much longer for both of us, and we can make these statistics kiss our butts!

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