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If anybody is planning a European vacation,

Forums General Melanoma Community If anybody is planning a European vacation,

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        I'm not supposed to be here. The Hamster Hotel is not worthy of a response. I know your crainiotomy was traumatic and I don't mean to minimize it. BUT…enough is enough. Take this picture down please and replace it with you boldly and defiantly wearing your bald head with scars..prefarably lifting weights. I can't look at it anymore. You are dramatizing.

        Fondly, (I think) Nurse Ratchet


            you do realize I will very likely replace it with something worse? or was that your intention in the first place?  Halloween is coming up.


              you do realize I will very likely replace it with something worse? or was that your intention in the first place?  Halloween is coming up.


              I'm not supposed to be here. The Hamster Hotel is not worthy of a response. I know your crainiotomy was traumatic and I don't mean to minimize it. BUT…enough is enough. Take this picture down please and replace it with you boldly and defiantly wearing your bald head with scars..prefarably lifting weights. I can't look at it anymore. You are dramatizing.

              Fondly, (I think) Nurse Ratchet


                Did you read the one comment about the lovely hotel…regarding Richard Gere?

                You make me laugh 'cos I never have any idea what to expect.  I like your pic.  You look defiant a-plenty and pretty much bemused by the whole head cracking affair.

                But bald headed guys with biggo craniotomy scars are kinda cute. 

                Happy Halloween!



                    Well, I was baldy, but my hair tends to grow back pretty quick.  Had to pay for a barber just this week.  No telling what is underneath that bandage.  As for the pic, it isn't for sympathy, it is a reminder of where I came from.  If I wanted sympathy, I would move back home and have mom cook for me and do my laundry.


                      Nope.  Sure know that you didn't want any sympathy.  Son of mine likes his hair pretty short and finds it funny when a new person cuts his hair and sees his giant head scar.  It isn't long before the hair covers it up.

                      Lucky you to have a nice wife to help out.  Hopefully, Son of Mine will find someone as caring some day… 

                      Keep up the good work.



                        Honestly, what was going through my head on that day, when is my next shot of morphine due? and "is this my personal version of ground hog's day"?, am I really alive? 


                          Honestly, what was going through my head on that day, when is my next shot of morphine due? and "is this my personal version of ground hog's day"?, am I really alive? 


                            Nope.  Sure know that you didn't want any sympathy.  Son of mine likes his hair pretty short and finds it funny when a new person cuts his hair and sees his giant head scar.  It isn't long before the hair covers it up.

                            Lucky you to have a nice wife to help out.  Hopefully, Son of Mine will find someone as caring some day… 

                            Keep up the good work.



                              Well, I was baldy, but my hair tends to grow back pretty quick.  Had to pay for a barber just this week.  No telling what is underneath that bandage.  As for the pic, it isn't for sympathy, it is a reminder of where I came from.  If I wanted sympathy, I would move back home and have mom cook for me and do my laundry.


                              Did you read the one comment about the lovely hotel…regarding Richard Gere?

                              You make me laugh 'cos I never have any idea what to expect.  I like your pic.  You look defiant a-plenty and pretty much bemused by the whole head cracking affair.

                              But bald headed guys with biggo craniotomy scars are kinda cute. 

                              Happy Halloween!


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