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Home resting

Forums General Melanoma Community Home resting

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      home resting after my WLE and SLN surgery…    They only remove one sentinel lymph node…  So is that a good sign? 

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        Never Gonna Stop

          Hi Melissa,

          I would say it just kind of is what it is. Each institution has their definition of what they consider a sentinel node. I had two nodes light up on my study, but they only removed one. The second node was a deeper pelvic node, and, at least at my institution, they don't consider a node in second, deeper basin a sentinel node.

          If I recall correctly, other times they define secondary nodes as sentinel nodes if they have at least 10% of the tracer signal intensity that the primary sentinel node does. Were you able to see the results of your lymph node study?

          I hope you rest well and get great results!


              All I know is my mom seen 2 dots on the screen and some white cloudy looks from where they injected the radioactive dye,   They didn't tell me much other then to wait on the phone call.. The SLN spot they remove was near my armpit  and my WLE is on my left back near my side ribs 


                All I know is my mom seen 2 dots on the screen and some white cloudy looks from where they injected the radioactive dye,   They didn't tell me much other then to wait on the phone call.. The SLN spot they remove was near my armpit  and my WLE is on my left back near my side ribs 


                  All I know is my mom seen 2 dots on the screen and some white cloudy looks from where they injected the radioactive dye,   They didn't tell me much other then to wait on the phone call.. The SLN spot they remove was near my armpit  and my WLE is on my left back near my side ribs 

                Never Gonna Stop

                  Hi Melissa,

                  I would say it just kind of is what it is. Each institution has their definition of what they consider a sentinel node. I had two nodes light up on my study, but they only removed one. The second node was a deeper pelvic node, and, at least at my institution, they don't consider a node in second, deeper basin a sentinel node.

                  If I recall correctly, other times they define secondary nodes as sentinel nodes if they have at least 10% of the tracer signal intensity that the primary sentinel node does. Were you able to see the results of your lymph node study?

                  I hope you rest well and get great results!

                  Never Gonna Stop

                    Hi Melissa,

                    I would say it just kind of is what it is. Each institution has their definition of what they consider a sentinel node. I had two nodes light up on my study, but they only removed one. The second node was a deeper pelvic node, and, at least at my institution, they don't consider a node in second, deeper basin a sentinel node.

                    If I recall correctly, other times they define secondary nodes as sentinel nodes if they have at least 10% of the tracer signal intensity that the primary sentinel node does. Were you able to see the results of your lymph node study?

                    I hope you rest well and get great results!


                      Hey Melissa, 

                      Sounds like your lesion and my first one were in similar places. When the "dye" is injected the radiologist is looking for the direction of lymph flow from the site and then which node has 'uptake'. Sometimes only one node takes up the dye, sometimes more than one. And yes….it looks pretty funky on the screen with sparkles all around! When you have a lesion on your back as you and I did it is possible for lymph flow to be toward the groin or the armpit.  So…I don't know of any statistical difference made in the end…no matter if only one node lights up or if there are multiple. Common sense could reason that only one is better…less spread….and for certain means less digging around for additional nodes during the surgery. Rest up. Hang in there. I wish you well. Celeste


                          Is it commons to feel your arm very warm and swollen?  It's on the same side where my surgery was.   Pretty puffy from my shoulder down to my elbow.. And my tummy is still flip flopping. 


                          i know its been 24 hours since rhe surgery. 


                            Yes, your arm, its nerves, its lymph system, have been through a lot. It will get better. Promise. C



                              Yes, your arm, its nerves, its lymph system, have been through a lot. It will get better. Promise. C



                                Yes, your arm, its nerves, its lymph system, have been through a lot. It will get better. Promise. C



                                  Is it commons to feel your arm very warm and swollen?  It's on the same side where my surgery was.   Pretty puffy from my shoulder down to my elbow.. And my tummy is still flip flopping. 


                                  i know its been 24 hours since rhe surgery. 


                                    Is it commons to feel your arm very warm and swollen?  It's on the same side where my surgery was.   Pretty puffy from my shoulder down to my elbow.. And my tummy is still flip flopping. 


                                    i know its been 24 hours since rhe surgery. 


                                    Hey Melissa, 

                                    Sounds like your lesion and my first one were in similar places. When the "dye" is injected the radiologist is looking for the direction of lymph flow from the site and then which node has 'uptake'. Sometimes only one node takes up the dye, sometimes more than one. And yes….it looks pretty funky on the screen with sparkles all around! When you have a lesion on your back as you and I did it is possible for lymph flow to be toward the groin or the armpit.  So…I don't know of any statistical difference made in the end…no matter if only one node lights up or if there are multiple. Common sense could reason that only one is better…less spread….and for certain means less digging around for additional nodes during the surgery. Rest up. Hang in there. I wish you well. Celeste


                                      Hey Melissa, 

                                      Sounds like your lesion and my first one were in similar places. When the "dye" is injected the radiologist is looking for the direction of lymph flow from the site and then which node has 'uptake'. Sometimes only one node takes up the dye, sometimes more than one. And yes….it looks pretty funky on the screen with sparkles all around! When you have a lesion on your back as you and I did it is possible for lymph flow to be toward the groin or the armpit.  So…I don't know of any statistical difference made in the end…no matter if only one node lights up or if there are multiple. Common sense could reason that only one is better…less spread….and for certain means less digging around for additional nodes during the surgery. Rest up. Hang in there. I wish you well. Celeste

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