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Going in tomorrow for Biopsy

Forums General Melanoma Community Going in tomorrow for Biopsy

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      Tomorrow morning at 10:30 will have a punch biopsy on several of my melanoma's, then radiology at 1:45 for an ultra sound and then at 3 pm start the draining of the fluid around my lung and that will take until 5 pm. Hopefully that will help with my shortness of breath. One week after that will find out when I start my clinical trial. Getting anxious now.

      Tomorrow morning at 10:30 will have a punch biopsy on several of my melanoma's, then radiology at 1:45 for an ultra sound and then at 3 pm start the draining of the fluid around my lung and that will take until 5 pm. Hopefully that will help with my shortness of breath. One week after that will find out when I start my clinical trial. Getting anxious now.

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    • Replies

          Like everyone always say.Good Luck on your procedure.Will keep you in my prayers.All the best.    Al


            Like everyone always say.Good Luck on your procedure.Will keep you in my prayers.All the best.    Al


              Like everyone always say.Good Luck on your procedure.Will keep you in my prayers.All the best.    Al

              Laurie from maine


                 I hope that draining the fluid makes you feel so much better.  Let us know how you make out with your tests.

                How was the wedding?  I hoped the anti biodic kicked in on the sinus infection and  you were able to enjoy it.

                Take care

                laurie from maine


                    I had to stop the antibiotic but got enough in to stop the sinus infection. The wedding was wonderful I had tears at times, I did dance with my son and he just took it slow. My family was so good and loving to me and I did enjoy sitting watching the little kids dance and have a good time. Everyone tells me that the draining will be such a relief that I can't wait so I can walk more than a few feet without getting out of breath.


                      I had to stop the antibiotic but got enough in to stop the sinus infection. The wedding was wonderful I had tears at times, I did dance with my son and he just took it slow. My family was so good and loving to me and I did enjoy sitting watching the little kids dance and have a good time. Everyone tells me that the draining will be such a relief that I can't wait so I can walk more than a few feet without getting out of breath.


                        I had to stop the antibiotic but got enough in to stop the sinus infection. The wedding was wonderful I had tears at times, I did dance with my son and he just took it slow. My family was so good and loving to me and I did enjoy sitting watching the little kids dance and have a good time. Everyone tells me that the draining will be such a relief that I can't wait so I can walk more than a few feet without getting out of breath.

                      Laurie from maine


                         I hope that draining the fluid makes you feel so much better.  Let us know how you make out with your tests.

                        How was the wedding?  I hoped the anti biodic kicked in on the sinus infection and  you were able to enjoy it.

                        Take care

                        laurie from maine

                        Laurie from maine


                           I hope that draining the fluid makes you feel so much better.  Let us know how you make out with your tests.

                          How was the wedding?  I hoped the anti biodic kicked in on the sinus infection and  you were able to enjoy it.

                          Take care

                          laurie from maine


                            I was thinking about you today and wondering how you're doing. Glad to hear you're going in for that punch biopsy and to get some rid of some of that fluid in your lungs. I pray that everything will work out in your favor.


                                Linny thank you for your prayers I will post as soon as I can with good news hopefully.


                                  Linny thank you for your prayers I will post as soon as I can with good news hopefully.

                                    Praying for you. Kay God Less and jeep you safe in his loving heading send. My son was Married in March and it was a test filled day. But a blessing he will always remember.
                                      Praying for you. Kay God Less and jeep you safe in his loving heading send. My son was Married in March and it was a test filled day. But a blessing he will always remember.
                                        Sorry for the mispelled words. May God bless you and keep you in his loving healing hands tomo. Our son was married in March and it was a tear filled day. We made a lot of cherrished memories.
                                          Sorry for the mispelled words. May God bless you and keep you in his loving healing hands tomo. Our son was married in March and it was a tear filled day. We made a lot of cherrished memories.
                                            Sorry for the mispelled words. May God bless you and keep you in his loving healing hands tomo. Our son was married in March and it was a tear filled day. We made a lot of cherrished memories.
                                              Praying for you. Kay God Less and jeep you safe in his loving heading send. My son was Married in March and it was a test filled day. But a blessing he will always remember.

                                                Linny thank you for your prayers I will post as soon as I can with good news hopefully.


                                                I was thinking about you today and wondering how you're doing. Glad to hear you're going in for that punch biopsy and to get some rid of some of that fluid in your lungs. I pray that everything will work out in your favor.


                                                  I was thinking about you today and wondering how you're doing. Glad to hear you're going in for that punch biopsy and to get some rid of some of that fluid in your lungs. I pray that everything will work out in your favor.

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