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Gmma Knife, Steriods, etc

Forums General Melanoma Community Gmma Knife, Steriods, etc

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      I met with my radiologist today to discuss the procedure of gamma knife tomorrow. He said my tumour (2cms) is showing no signs of edema which is unusual for most brain tumours.  That being said, he was going to give me or perscribe me the steriod in case there is an inflammation/edema after gamma knife treatment.  For those of you who have done gamma knife, did you take this steriod?  I'm not a big fan of taking things like that, but do understand that they're needed at times.  Maybe this is standard for larger tumours than small ones. 

      I met with my radiologist today to discuss the procedure of gamma knife tomorrow. He said my tumour (2cms) is showing no signs of edema which is unusual for most brain tumours.  That being said, he was going to give me or perscribe me the steriod in case there is an inflammation/edema after gamma knife treatment.  For those of you who have done gamma knife, did you take this steriod?  I'm not a big fan of taking things like that, but do understand that they're needed at times.  Maybe this is standard for larger tumours than small ones. 

      I also met with my clinical nurse today who told me to continue to be optimistic – especially in terms of keeping the immune system strong. Although ipi doesn't travel into the brain from your blood, lymphocytes can go in there and work some magic. She has seen some people who have developed brain tumours after ipi, but ipi has helped these tumours from growing. 


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          I don't have an answer to your steroid question, Lisa, but I certainly agree with your nurse. I think that keeping your stress in check can help your immune system. The Catch 22 for us cancer people, though.  

          Sending prayers and good vibes for your procedure.



            I don't have an answer to your steroid question, Lisa, but I certainly agree with your nurse. I think that keeping your stress in check can help your immune system. The Catch 22 for us cancer people, though.  

            Sending prayers and good vibes for your procedure.



              I don't have an answer to your steroid question, Lisa, but I certainly agree with your nurse. I think that keeping your stress in check can help your immune system. The Catch 22 for us cancer people, though.  

              Sending prayers and good vibes for your procedure.



                Lisa, great news that there is no edema! I am a IV with brain & abdominal mets. I have had 2 gammas and have been on and off steroids for the past 2+ years. I hate them with a passion, but for me they were a necessary evil. Side effects include sleepless nights, anxiety, depression and a whole lot of anger. Thankfully, I wasn't on them for long periods of time and was tapered down. NOT taking them caused headaches for me. As of now, I have had no further recurrences or problems since my last craniotomy in October 2010. At that time it was to clean out necrotic tissue. Stay strong and positive! This is manageable! I was on a trial with an ipi combination for abdominal tumors in 2009, shortly after brain mets were found. So far, so good and I plan to keep it that way! Hopefully your dose will be low enough as to not cause severe problems. Let me know what happens!



                    Well Blueeyes, good to hear from you again.  glad to hear things are going well for you now.


                      Well Blueeyes, good to hear from you again.  glad to hear things are going well for you now.


                        Well Blueeyes, good to hear from you again.  glad to hear things are going well for you now.


                        Lisa, great news that there is no edema! I am a IV with brain & abdominal mets. I have had 2 gammas and have been on and off steroids for the past 2+ years. I hate them with a passion, but for me they were a necessary evil. Side effects include sleepless nights, anxiety, depression and a whole lot of anger. Thankfully, I wasn't on them for long periods of time and was tapered down. NOT taking them caused headaches for me. As of now, I have had no further recurrences or problems since my last craniotomy in October 2010. At that time it was to clean out necrotic tissue. Stay strong and positive! This is manageable! I was on a trial with an ipi combination for abdominal tumors in 2009, shortly after brain mets were found. So far, so good and I plan to keep it that way! Hopefully your dose will be low enough as to not cause severe problems. Let me know what happens!



                          Lisa, great news that there is no edema! I am a IV with brain & abdominal mets. I have had 2 gammas and have been on and off steroids for the past 2+ years. I hate them with a passion, but for me they were a necessary evil. Side effects include sleepless nights, anxiety, depression and a whole lot of anger. Thankfully, I wasn't on them for long periods of time and was tapered down. NOT taking them caused headaches for me. As of now, I have had no further recurrences or problems since my last craniotomy in October 2010. At that time it was to clean out necrotic tissue. Stay strong and positive! This is manageable! I was on a trial with an ipi combination for abdominal tumors in 2009, shortly after brain mets were found. So far, so good and I plan to keep it that way! Hopefully your dose will be low enough as to not cause severe problems. Let me know what happens!


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