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      I see a chat discussion here earlier in the week, asking what our thought were to bring people in.  Dian suggested chat the other night and we had a nice big room again, at long last.  Thanks Dian!!

      I see a chat discussion here earlier in the week, asking what our thought were to bring people in.  Dian suggested chat the other night and we had a nice big room again, at long last.  Thanks Dian!!

      For me, it was what chat used to be, full of laughs and friendly banter, with a few insults thrown in (thanks for the new nicknames, Kevin).  The bulletin boards do a great job for the actual melanoma information, people know if they post a question there it will be answered, but chat is where we could go and talk to people who already know what we're going through, and have been through, and we can talk and laugh and NOT speak of it all the time.  Sometimes it's hard to do that with our loved ones, especially for those newly diagnosed.  We have ALWAYS asked anyone entering the room if they have melanoma questions, and those are addressed and I imagine that's the way it wil always be, as it should be.

      Anyway, I just wanted to say that it was a lot of fun, with a lot of laughing, and I hope this is the way chat stays.

      DebbieH, stage IIIC, NED 9+ years.

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    • Replies
        Kevin from Atlanta

          That was fun. Perhaps when JerryfromFAUQ gets better and resumes his duty as the doorman. Chat will pick back up.

          I like the new format, the message boards and chat should not be hidden. Placed premdominatly on the home page.

          Kevin from Atlanta

            That was fun. Perhaps when JerryfromFAUQ gets better and resumes his duty as the doorman. Chat will pick back up.

            I like the new format, the message boards and chat should not be hidden. Placed premdominatly on the home page.


              Yes, it was fun! That poor Kevin…doesn't know what he's started. Though I doubt it will happen, I too hope that chat will come back to the fun place it used to be a couple of years ago and on back…a place of ease and many free flowing conversations . Someone from chat– I can't remember who–  used to say, " Everytime we laugh another Melanoma cell dies" (do you remember, Deb?) 



                  Oh, I do remember that – was it Kim?  I can't remember who said it but it was said often.  What I DO remember is all the nights where there were actually tears coming down my face from laughing so hard.  That's what was missing from chat for the last while – fun.  A place where melanoma patients can actually get AWAY from melanoma talk and enjoy the company of one another, without having to go on and ON about mel.  Having said that, melanoma issues were ALWAYS addressed when needed.  I would hate to see a moderator, as has been suggested, or anyone trying to guide what should be a free-flowing conversation. 


                  dian in spokane

                    Yes. it was a gramd chat! The only thing it was missing was..well, no newbies came in. Not a soul wandered in and said ' I just got diagnosed today" or "I just found this place" In the old days, there was no way we would have had that kind of long, fun, freewheeling conversation without at least having one or two newcomers wander in with actual melanoma questions.

                    I hope that over this fall and winter, we can start chatting again..and maybe just having some folks IN there will attract people as it did back then. No one will come to chat if no one is in there.

                    Jerry's not the only one who has logged many hours hanging out in that window alone so that people could see someone was IN chat. Hell, BARTH used to do it when I first came, and Lynn from Oz, Lesley, CharlieS, Kag.. I can't even say how many hours I have logged hanging in an empty room both days and evenings. I used to just hang out there while I did all my web work, and just poke my head back in when the doorbell rang, and someone new came in to chat.

                    There was that Canadian guy..miko? mykka,  marco..I"m asshamed that I can't call his name to mind right now….he never really had a grasp of how serious his OWN melanoma was, but he was in that room to greet and support newcomers until the month he died. remember that guy's name! Anyway..too many to count, but Jerry's been THE guy for a year now, and no one else has stepped into the breach.

                    The one thing that would be very nice is if they could fix the off topic room so that people could go in there and still stay in the main room. That way if there were a really irreverant conversation going on, the participants could go into the other room to talk and still stay involved in the main room conversation. Those 'social' conversations can be so quick moving sometimes, that it makes it tough for someone new to chat to keep up with. But those quick typers could easily carry on many conversations, and do. So we could have a slow moving melanoma discussion going on in the main room, and a quick laugh riot going on in the off topic room

                    Right now..that off topic room is useless, as none of us regular chatters (the bar hags and their cabana boy kevin) would ever just leave the main room.. I mean..the experienced ones need to stay in there. If we all went to the off topic room, the poor newly diagnosed patient would be alone in the main room.

                    Well.. I'll be on a plane tonight, but after that, home till my next vaccine injection, AND I'll have my laptop back, so I'll see if I can take on some of Jerry's duties in the coming weeks!


                    dian in spokane

                      Yes. it was a gramd chat! The only thing it was missing was..well, no newbies came in. Not a soul wandered in and said ' I just got diagnosed today" or "I just found this place" In the old days, there was no way we would have had that kind of long, fun, freewheeling conversation without at least having one or two newcomers wander in with actual melanoma questions.

                      I hope that over this fall and winter, we can start chatting again..and maybe just having some folks IN there will attract people as it did back then. No one will come to chat if no one is in there.

                      Jerry's not the only one who has logged many hours hanging out in that window alone so that people could see someone was IN chat. Hell, BARTH used to do it when I first came, and Lynn from Oz, Lesley, CharlieS, Kag.. I can't even say how many hours I have logged hanging in an empty room both days and evenings. I used to just hang out there while I did all my web work, and just poke my head back in when the doorbell rang, and someone new came in to chat.

                      There was that Canadian guy..miko? mykka,  marco..I"m asshamed that I can't call his name to mind right now….he never really had a grasp of how serious his OWN melanoma was, but he was in that room to greet and support newcomers until the month he died. remember that guy's name! Anyway..too many to count, but Jerry's been THE guy for a year now, and no one else has stepped into the breach.

                      The one thing that would be very nice is if they could fix the off topic room so that people could go in there and still stay in the main room. That way if there were a really irreverant conversation going on, the participants could go into the other room to talk and still stay involved in the main room conversation. Those 'social' conversations can be so quick moving sometimes, that it makes it tough for someone new to chat to keep up with. But those quick typers could easily carry on many conversations, and do. So we could have a slow moving melanoma discussion going on in the main room, and a quick laugh riot going on in the off topic room

                      Right now..that off topic room is useless, as none of us regular chatters (the bar hags and their cabana boy kevin) would ever just leave the main room.. I mean..the experienced ones need to stay in there. If we all went to the off topic room, the poor newly diagnosed patient would be alone in the main room.

                      Well.. I'll be on a plane tonight, but after that, home till my next vaccine injection, AND I'll have my laptop back, so I'll see if I can take on some of Jerry's duties in the coming weeks!



                        Oh, I do remember that – was it Kim?  I can't remember who said it but it was said often.  What I DO remember is all the nights where there were actually tears coming down my face from laughing so hard.  That's what was missing from chat for the last while – fun.  A place where melanoma patients can actually get AWAY from melanoma talk and enjoy the company of one another, without having to go on and ON about mel.  Having said that, melanoma issues were ALWAYS addressed when needed.  I would hate to see a moderator, as has been suggested, or anyone trying to guide what should be a free-flowing conversation. 



                        Yes, it was fun! That poor Kevin…doesn't know what he's started. Though I doubt it will happen, I too hope that chat will come back to the fun place it used to be a couple of years ago and on back…a place of ease and many free flowing conversations . Someone from chat– I can't remember who–  used to say, " Everytime we laugh another Melanoma cell dies" (do you remember, Deb?) 


                        Bonnie Lea

                          I would love to join in the chat thing….can someone please just sort of let me know I find I amm so tired unless I plan it, I am so wiped out at end of days.  I need the time in EST for my slow brain to figure.  (thanks)


                          Bonnie Lea

                          Bonnie Lea

                            I would love to join in the chat thing….can someone please just sort of let me know I find I amm so tired unless I plan it, I am so wiped out at end of days.  I need the time in EST for my slow brain to figure.  (thanks)


                            Bonnie Lea

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