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BRAF mutation explained

Forums General Melanoma Community BRAF mutation explained

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      Hi everyone,
      I’m very new to this. Can anyone explain to me difference between BRAF mutation and non- BRAF. Is there a long term survival or reoccurrence difference. I apologize for my anxiety. I know there a people on this forum with much bigger issues.
      I guess I got good news yesterday from Dr. Paul Chapman. No treatment for stage 3a. Was very adamant about it. He just confirmed what my surgeon and oncologist already decided. Still very anxious and on edge to leave it to mentoring only.. Prayers for everyone.
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          I put this together some time ago, but it still applies:

          The shorter, most direct answer about BRAF is this. If you have BRAF positive melanoma, targeted therapy works. If you do not have the BRAF mutation those drugs do not. c

              BRAF status does not affect response to immunotherapy. c
              I am braf negative, nivo/ipi worked great for me.
                Hi Suzana65, i feel your “up in the airness” over all this, im in the same boat just different circumstances, Bubbles and others have helped i see…
                Im BRAF Negative so, various immunal drugs could work for me, but, as youll learn, it goes way way further then just the BRAF testing, in the beganning, BRAF testing is a mainstay protocol before treatment begans, but to really hone in on YOUR particular DNA make up of YOUR Melanoma, gets really technical and beneficial to future drugs that may have a great response to treating you, alot of it still goes over my head! Hang in there Suzana!
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