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Bloodshot eye(s) in A Study of Vemurafenib And GDC-0973 in Patients With BRAF-Mutation Positive Metastatic Melanoma

Forums General Melanoma Community Bloodshot eye(s) in A Study of Vemurafenib And GDC-0973 in Patients With BRAF-Mutation Positive Metastatic Melanoma

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      Has anyone in this trial experienced significant bloodshot eye(s) in this trial? I am in cycle 12 and had an issue last month paused trial meds for 10 days while using a prescribed eye drop. Eye cleared in about 8 days. back on meds for 10 days and bloodshot is back.

      I have had amazing results in the trial with very few side effects – minor rash/itching and some wart like growths on my legs (they weren't much to look at anyway).


      Has anyone in this trial experienced significant bloodshot eye(s) in this trial? I am in cycle 12 and had an issue last month paused trial meds for 10 days while using a prescribed eye drop. Eye cleared in about 8 days. back on meds for 10 days and bloodshot is back.

      I have had amazing results in the trial with very few side effects – minor rash/itching and some wart like growths on my legs (they weren't much to look at anyway).


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    • Replies
          I have battled this almost a year, just from vem/Zel. Make sure you’re seeing an Opthamologist regularly and he can recommend OTC meds if they’re dry or Rx if its iritis. Mine comes and goes and I know it’s generally made my eyesight a little worse.

              Thanks, I do see my opthomologist regularly.


                Thanks, I do see my opthomologist regularly.


                  Thanks, I do see my opthomologist regularly.

                  I have battled this almost a year, just from vem/Zel. Make sure you’re seeing an Opthamologist regularly and he can recommend OTC meds if they’re dry or Rx if its iritis. Mine comes and goes and I know it’s generally made my eyesight a little worse.
                    I have battled this almost a year, just from vem/Zel. Make sure you’re seeing an Opthamologist regularly and he can recommend OTC meds if they’re dry or Rx if its iritis. Mine comes and goes and I know it’s generally made my eyesight a little worse.
                    Tina D

                      As with Amy, I  had uveitis while on Vemurafenib alone. One thing is for sure, it can progress quickly if not treated. It cleared up with drops over a period of time, but my eye Dr said to even call him on the weekend if I started to show symptoms in order to catch it quickly. Glad you are keeping a close watch on it.


                      Tina D

                        As with Amy, I  had uveitis while on Vemurafenib alone. One thing is for sure, it can progress quickly if not treated. It cleared up with drops over a period of time, but my eye Dr said to even call him on the weekend if I started to show symptoms in order to catch it quickly. Glad you are keeping a close watch on it.


                        Tina D

                          As with Amy, I  had uveitis while on Vemurafenib alone. One thing is for sure, it can progress quickly if not treated. It cleared up with drops over a period of time, but my eye Dr said to even call him on the weekend if I started to show symptoms in order to catch it quickly. Glad you are keeping a close watch on it.


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