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Best way to take IPI/Nivo combo?

Forums General Melanoma Community Best way to take IPI/Nivo combo?

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      Unfortunately after a 4 year response from Yervoy my husband had melanoma show up in a inguinal lymph node.. They are talking about removing lymph node and a couple around it and then starting the combo. They are talking starting the 4 doses of IPI and then switching to once a month Nivo. The research I’ve read said this is not the way to go. My husband tolerated IPI thankfully with very few side effects. I’m confused and just want to be armored with all the knowledge I can to approach our Oncologist.
      Thank you for any help what so ever.


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          No, if they are doing IPI, the standard treatment is to do 4 infusions of IPI and Nivo at the same visit, three weeks apart. Then they would switch to Nivo every four weeks. I recommend preparing questions ahead of time to ask at the appointment. That’s what I had to do.
              Thank you so much.
              Hi Jewel, I’m Mike nice to meet you under our shared circumstances, but, were here…
              So your saying your husband already has taken Yervoy about 4 years ago? And now after the four years his Mel came back? I’m sorry this has happened, our disease sucks putting it VERY lightly…I’m not totally sure of the protocols of a “reissuance” of Yervoy (aka ipi) with your husband have taken it already but, I do know “today” when doing the combo of Ipi & Nivo, ipi is given only 4 times (first four infusions) along with the Nivo, then Nivo is given alone after the fourth combo infusion is completed till further notice, assuming all side effects are at a low roar and blood panels are looking good. I mean, that’s how it was done for me….hope this helped! I hope I understood your question…i also hope he kicks this new Mel’s butt! Take good care…
                  Hi Mike,

                  I don’t post much on here but I do come on here and read the posts once and awhile and just want to say I admire your strength and courage. You’ve been thru the ringer. To answer your question. My husband was diagnosed with stage 3c melanoma in 2010. Stage 4 came in 2014. Ken took the 4 doses of Yervoy 3mg and ended in Feb 2015. A recent scan and biopsy showed recurrance in lymph node. We shouldn’t have been surprised but we were. Talk now of excision of node and starting Ken on the combo. Seems unreal. Mike, make the calls, be the squeaky wheel and just keep going. Thanks for the help.

                    Oh thank you Jewel! Folks like you and the rest of the gang have given me such a place of saftey, encouragement and endless knowledge ( in what im able to understand anyways!) And to add, we have so so many other soldiers here who also have indured HELL, and alot of them are stable now thank God, it’s just “my” turn now for the “nitty gritty”, before 2017 Melanoma was only in my left leg, easy breasy, 6 separate surgerys, no problem!! it’s the Lungs, Sigmoid (intestine) right butt cheek (muscle) and of course the surface stomach golf ball tumor under left ribs, hince my term “The Nitty Gritty” …I vow to be that annoying Squeaky wheel!!…thank you Jewel….
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