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Best Sweat “Resistant” Sunscreen?

Forums General Melanoma Community Best Sweat “Resistant” Sunscreen?

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      I've been getting back outside a lot – Keytruda not getting me down.  Who's got some recs for good sweat "resistant" (or as resistant as it can be) sunscreen.  Looking for fewest reapplications.  Bonus points if you've got good ideas for the beach as well!

      I mostly run, bike and play softball.  My family loved the spray on stuff, but I find it's application is tricky (impossible to be sure you covered everything) so I tend to stick with the standard tubes/bottles of white goo – usually just the store brand.  

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          I prefer the physical block rather than chemical, so we use Banana Boat Kids (spf 50, water resistant) and Neutrogena Sensitive Skin (spf 60, water resistant). Both have titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as active ingredients. If you prefer chemical block maybe someone else can chime in.

            I have tried SO many sun screens, also trying to find ones that I will sweat off less, but really the best option I have found has been sun protective clothing. Then I only have to deal with reapplying my face and neck and it's much less of a pain in the butt. Just did a 4 mile hike in 80+ degree direct sunlight on Sunday… only applied sunscreen to my face, ears, neck, wore a hat and sunprotective lightweight shirt and I'm still as pale as ever 🙂

            My fav sunscreen is EltaMD sport

                Jenn, is there a certain brand of clothing you recommend? I’m very interested!

                  My favorite thrown on light weight shirts are Colombia brand, I get them on Amazon. I also have a couple pair of their pants I wear hiking. I do love Coolibar clothes as well, have a couple tops and pants from them but they are pricier, but very soft and well made clothes. For beach/pool time I got a $25 bathing suit on Amazon that has sleeves! It is super cute and when I was in Mexico it was soooo nice to just wear my bathing suit and beach pants and have my shoulders and back covered while still feeling cute and beachy 😀


                  I worked outside all last summer and used "No-Add Sport 50" (I get it from Amazon). I could apply it in the morning and at lunch. It stays on, doesn't get in my eyes doesn't stain my clothes and lasts longer than the label says. That coupled with a broad brimmed hat, some very light weight shirts from Duluth Trading Co. (Armachillo I think) kept me very pale throughout the summer.

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