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Forums General Melanoma Community Bammmm!

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      Restarted interferon last night after having a week and couple days off. Took injection at eight, woke up at midnight with uncontrollable chills and shaking. My legs are killing me this morning and i feel like i have been run over……BUT…..i am going to remain possitive like everyone tells me and i am going to work my 6a to 6p shift today in hopes that i can make a difference in the lives of one of my patients:)

      Restarted interferon last night after having a week and couple days off. Took injection at eight, woke up at midnight with uncontrollable chills and shaking. My legs are killing me this morning and i feel like i have been run over……BUT…..i am going to remain possitive like everyone tells me and i am going to work my 6a to 6p shift today in hopes that i can make a difference in the lives of one of my patients:)

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    • Replies

          Sorry you are having such a rough time with interferon.  It is a difficult treatment to say the least.  I can't imagine having to work a 12 hour shift while on it.  I'm a teacher and working those hours was bad enough.  Take care of yourself as well as your patients.  Good Luck.


          Amy S. in Michigan


            Sorry you are having such a rough time with interferon.  It is a difficult treatment to say the least.  I can't imagine having to work a 12 hour shift while on it.  I'm a teacher and working those hours was bad enough.  Take care of yourself as well as your patients.  Good Luck.


            Amy S. in Michigan


              Oh, yuck. What a way to have to go to work.

              I've worked throughout my treatments, too. While not fun, I actually prefer being at work, with other things to focus on, than staying home and wallowing in how awful I feel.

              I have had to learn when to leave early, or when I'm just pushing too much. My reserves just aren't what they used to be, and it still throws me off mentally to have to admit that I feel bad enough to go home and lie down.

              Please don't run yourself ragged working. It just slows down your healing. I've learned that the hard way!



                Oh, yuck. What a way to have to go to work.

                I've worked throughout my treatments, too. While not fun, I actually prefer being at work, with other things to focus on, than staying home and wallowing in how awful I feel.

                I have had to learn when to leave early, or when I'm just pushing too much. My reserves just aren't what they used to be, and it still throws me off mentally to have to admit that I feel bad enough to go home and lie down.

                Please don't run yourself ragged working. It just slows down your healing. I've learned that the hard way!


                Lauri England

                  I have been on Interferon treatments since October 1, 2010.  I have had a lot of problems but all was duable.  I stopped the shots for a week due to anger issues and depression.  I was feeling so bad I needed a break.  I started them back up last week Monday and I cut my dose down a little bit.  I now feel so much better.  WOW.  I dont think I realized how sick I was until I felt better.  I am plugging away for the last 5 weeks or so.


                      Way to go…you're almost done. I wish I was. Are you taking any meds to help with the depression? My doc started me on Cymbalta. I don't feel depressed but very emotional. I hope it helps keep me from getting depressed. It seems to be a very common side effect. Thanks for posting.



                        Way to go…you're almost done. I wish I was. Are you taking any meds to help with the depression? My doc started me on Cymbalta. I don't feel depressed but very emotional. I hope it helps keep me from getting depressed. It seems to be a very common side effect. Thanks for posting.



                          Way to go…you're almost done. I wish I was. Are you taking any meds to help with the depression? My doc started me on Cymbalta. I don't feel depressed but very emotional. I hope it helps keep me from getting depressed. It seems to be a very common side effect. Thanks for posting.



                            Way to go…you're almost done. I wish I was. Are you taking any meds to help with the depression? My doc started me on Cymbalta. I don't feel depressed but very emotional. I hope it helps keep me from getting depressed. It seems to be a very common side effect. Thanks for posting.


                          Lauri England

                            I have been on Interferon treatments since October 1, 2010.  I have had a lot of problems but all was duable.  I stopped the shots for a week due to anger issues and depression.  I was feeling so bad I needed a break.  I started them back up last week Monday and I cut my dose down a little bit.  I now feel so much better.  WOW.  I dont think I realized how sick I was until I felt better.  I am plugging away for the last 5 weeks or so.

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