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Bad Day But Good ending…

Forums General Melanoma Community Bad Day But Good ending…

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      Hi guys! Boy what a day, my wife and i take care of feral cats (now were down to one sadly) and we have been trying to trap one in particular that had spine problems (dragging his rear legs when he walked) we finaly got his butt! I grabbed him but got bit (finger) as i crammed him in the cage ouch! Went to Kaiser, Amox & Clavulanic pills, he bit fairly deep but i wasnt gunna let him suffer anymore, and still got him in..Vet said possible Neurological or hit by car, we put him down, GreyBoy was his name…im just glad we finaly caught him, its been over a month! He was still quick though…We worried so for him…sorry about the NON Melanoma topic, it just really effected my wife & I, we love animals, but we took care of him Finally…
      Have a good weekend, ill chat more tomorrow….Mentally drained…
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          You did a kind thing. Sorry that it was painful physically AND emotionally!!! FYI – the Kaiser peeps handled your “cat bite” per appropriate standards! So that’s a good thing!! HA!!! In my childhood, we had a cat named Grey Boy – a huge beautiful long haired blue grey creature, along with a handsome golden tiger that was his brother named Blondie. Their mom was “my” cat, named “Prit” (short for ‘pretty’). A mottled calico who was anything but – pretty. Still, I loved her and she made pretty babies, so maybe my 4-ish year old self was on to something when I named her! c
              Hi Celeste, yep! I actually looked up what the “Go To” meds where these days for cat or animal bites, of course i knew Amoxicilin but didnt know about the additive of Clavulanate wich apparently helps the Amox do its job, my finger is sore! Not red or warm though (good sign) its my left forefinger, looking back, where i messed up, i shoulda held GreyBoy by his gruff on the back of his neck and i KNOW THIS!! under pressure i messed up, i took one for the team my wife said haha…were so relieved now that hes in a better place….oh! The one feral we have left is an Orange Tabby named Stimpy The 2nd! (Had a cat that resembled him) And Greboy was a Russian Blue short hair….
              Cindy Lou
                A cat named Stimpy! Our daughter watched Ren & Stimpy when she was growing up. We still have her Stimpy doll that farts! lol. The hubby & I love animals too so post away about them! Hope the finger gets better soon.
                  Haha! I love Ren & Stimpy, I still have the DVD set of all their shows (1990’s) haha…so funny with Definet ADULT overtones…
                  Hey there!I’m sorry for what you all are going through.I am leaving a comment here because I can’t post and I don’t know why.Unfortunately, my father has been diagnosed with melanoma in his upper left shoulder more than one month ago.Almost 2 weeks ago he had his WLE and SNLB done.One of his lymph nodes was removed to be examined.We are expecting for the biopsy results this week and I can’t tell how scared and anxious we are.
                  God bless you all!
                      Kate – waiting for test results is the worst. Once you find out the status, please let us know in a new post. Your message in this post may get lost in the shuffle.


                        Thank you so much for your reply, but I can’t post.It seems like a problem with the site.Anyways the surgeon called one hour ago and said that the results of the biopsy were good and it was not serious.We are now going to have an appointment on wednesday to have more information.
                        Thank you Mike and your wife for helping stray kitties. Even if it is tough, it is a good deed!
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