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arnie and sherry

Forums General Melanoma Community arnie and sherry

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    arnie and sherry

      My husband arnie, was diagnosed in2008 it started with a mole on his back, 9 months latter it moved to his neck 21 lymph nodes removed started intrerferon for1 year very hard on him .13months later it spread to his chest  he had surgery to remove it . it has been about 11 months and he has been doing fine he just had a cat scan of chest abdoium pelvic and neck . does anyone know what we should try next.

      My husband arnie, was diagnosed in2008 it started with a mole on his back, 9 months latter it moved to his neck 21 lymph nodes removed started intrerferon for1 year very hard on him .13months later it spread to his chest  he had surgery to remove it . it has been about 11 months and he has been doing fine he just had a cat scan of chest abdoium pelvic and neck . does anyone know what we should try next.

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    • Replies

          Welcome to our forum. Sorry to read that your husband has had a tumour in his chest. Has he had a
          PET scan recently? What follow up treatment has his doctor suggested?

          Frank from Australia

            arnie and sherry

              no he has not had a pet scan yet we are waiting for medicare in august. thank you for welcoming us

              arnie and sherry

                no he has not had a pet scan yet we are waiting for medicare in august. thank you for welcoming us


                Welcome to our forum. Sorry to read that your husband has had a tumour in his chest. Has he had a
                PET scan recently? What follow up treatment has his doctor suggested?

                Frank from Australia

                dian in spokane

                  So..if I understand you correctly, your husband is currently without any active disease? he's been 'clear' since his surgery 11 months ago? He's had a recent set of scans, did you get the results of those? are you worried that those are not 'clear'?

                  Unfortunately, there are not a lot of great treatments for stage 4 disease, but even fewer when dealing with someone who is NED (No Evidence of Disease). Most treatments, drugs, radiation etc, are for people with active tumors that need to be shrunk or removed. So if he remains NED, then observation is likely the only thing they will do at this point, though it is always worth asking the oncologist about how to find out about any trials he might be eligible for.

                  If I am reading you wrong, and you got bad news on those scans, and he now has active disease again, then there might be some options open. It depends on the situation.

                  I hope arnie IS NED. Even though it feels odd to be stage IV and not doing treatment, it's better to be in remission!

                  Welcome to the board

                  Dian in spokane

                    arnie and sherry

                      Sorry I Have not written in a while been really busy . still have not got back any results but since then he had to go have a ct of his head been having shooting pain from his temple to his eye . he is stage 3. could you tell me a little about yourself .are you the siemers family that comes up on right corner sorry iam knew to this

                      arnie and sherry

                        Sorry I Have not written in a while been really busy . still have not got back any results but since then he had to go have a ct of his head been having shooting pain from his temple to his eye . he is stage 3. could you tell me a little about yourself .are you the siemers family that comes up on right corner sorry iam knew to this

                      dian in spokane

                        So..if I understand you correctly, your husband is currently without any active disease? he's been 'clear' since his surgery 11 months ago? He's had a recent set of scans, did you get the results of those? are you worried that those are not 'clear'?

                        Unfortunately, there are not a lot of great treatments for stage 4 disease, but even fewer when dealing with someone who is NED (No Evidence of Disease). Most treatments, drugs, radiation etc, are for people with active tumors that need to be shrunk or removed. So if he remains NED, then observation is likely the only thing they will do at this point, though it is always worth asking the oncologist about how to find out about any trials he might be eligible for.

                        If I am reading you wrong, and you got bad news on those scans, and he now has active disease again, then there might be some options open. It depends on the situation.

                        I hope arnie IS NED. Even though it feels odd to be stage IV and not doing treatment, it's better to be in remission!

                        Welcome to the board

                        Dian in spokane

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