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Any Melanoma Treating Centre to Suggest?

Forums General Melanoma Community Any Melanoma Treating Centre to Suggest?

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      Hi everyone! My mom was diagnosed as having melanoma in 2011, recently developed to Stage 4 with metastasis to lung. She has NRAS mutation which is very very rare here in China, and when we went to the best melanoma treating hospital, we learnt that currently there's no specific drug for this mutation type. We are very disappointed. 

      I did quite a lot research on website and seeking any possibility to get medical treatment aboard. I've been to this forum for several months already but never posted anything. This is my first post. Could anyone suggest some good melanoma treating centres in any countries especially in U.S. and Australia? We desperately need this information.
      Thank you!
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    • Replies
          One of the best centers for melanoma is Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center in New York City, NY.
            One of the best centers for melanoma is Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center in New York City, NY.
              One of the best centers for melanoma is Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center in New York City, NY.
                One of the best centers for melanoma is Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center in New York City, NY.
                  One of the best centers for melanoma is Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center in New York City, NY.
                    One of the best centers for melanoma is Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center in New York City, NY.

                      My big thanks to everyone! 


                        My big thanks to everyone! 


                          My big thanks to everyone! 


                            There are lots of great centers in the US, I won't pretend to know anything about international centers. Much depends on what you're looking for, your location and willingness to travel. I live in central NY state and have been absolutely thrilled with my very carefully chosen local care as well as more specialized melanoma care regionally. My favorite by far has been Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY (about 3 hrs from where I live). They aren't the largest, but I have found them to be truly excellent in the care they provide, as well as in their ability to communicate and work with patients. I have been much less satisfied with larger institutes such as Dana Farber (Boston, MA) and Sloan Kettering (NYC) despite their more recognizable names and noteriety. These larger institutions are great if you're looking for research trials as they tend to have many more options, but I have been far less enthralled with their "workability" from a patient standpoint. I have an educational background that allows me to research and understand what is going on with my disease and what advances are being made well before any doctors visits and I find that these larger centers are often a bit condescending and patronizing, not to mention unwilling to release my medical records, imaging, etc. I have found Roswell, though smaller and less "renowned" to be a much more willing partner in my care- very proactive. Despite their smaller size, they actually do have a really excellent reputation for many cancers with melanoma being one of them. They are, at the moment, the only center in the Northeast US that still offers IL-2 therapy if that's something you're considering. 

                            I'm not going to get into a discussion about therapies and what should come first, be relegated to the past, etc. I've had IL-2 (at Roswell) along with other therapies and just last week their neurosurgery team removed a rather large brain metastasis and it went so well I was discharged only 48 hrs later- now home and doing very well. It's a personal choice for where to go to get treatment and I would definitely advocate talking to a couple of different specialists at a couple different institutions before making a decision about where is best for you, but I also heartily recommend Roswell and it's doctors, even if they aren't a big name. 


                              There are lots of great centers in the US, I won't pretend to know anything about international centers. Much depends on what you're looking for, your location and willingness to travel. I live in central NY state and have been absolutely thrilled with my very carefully chosen local care as well as more specialized melanoma care regionally. My favorite by far has been Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY (about 3 hrs from where I live). They aren't the largest, but I have found them to be truly excellent in the care they provide, as well as in their ability to communicate and work with patients. I have been much less satisfied with larger institutes such as Dana Farber (Boston, MA) and Sloan Kettering (NYC) despite their more recognizable names and noteriety. These larger institutions are great if you're looking for research trials as they tend to have many more options, but I have been far less enthralled with their "workability" from a patient standpoint. I have an educational background that allows me to research and understand what is going on with my disease and what advances are being made well before any doctors visits and I find that these larger centers are often a bit condescending and patronizing, not to mention unwilling to release my medical records, imaging, etc. I have found Roswell, though smaller and less "renowned" to be a much more willing partner in my care- very proactive. Despite their smaller size, they actually do have a really excellent reputation for many cancers with melanoma being one of them. They are, at the moment, the only center in the Northeast US that still offers IL-2 therapy if that's something you're considering. 

                              I'm not going to get into a discussion about therapies and what should come first, be relegated to the past, etc. I've had IL-2 (at Roswell) along with other therapies and just last week their neurosurgery team removed a rather large brain metastasis and it went so well I was discharged only 48 hrs later- now home and doing very well. It's a personal choice for where to go to get treatment and I would definitely advocate talking to a couple of different specialists at a couple different institutions before making a decision about where is best for you, but I also heartily recommend Roswell and it's doctors, even if they aren't a big name. 


                                There are lots of great centers in the US, I won't pretend to know anything about international centers. Much depends on what you're looking for, your location and willingness to travel. I live in central NY state and have been absolutely thrilled with my very carefully chosen local care as well as more specialized melanoma care regionally. My favorite by far has been Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY (about 3 hrs from where I live). They aren't the largest, but I have found them to be truly excellent in the care they provide, as well as in their ability to communicate and work with patients. I have been much less satisfied with larger institutes such as Dana Farber (Boston, MA) and Sloan Kettering (NYC) despite their more recognizable names and noteriety. These larger institutions are great if you're looking for research trials as they tend to have many more options, but I have been far less enthralled with their "workability" from a patient standpoint. I have an educational background that allows me to research and understand what is going on with my disease and what advances are being made well before any doctors visits and I find that these larger centers are often a bit condescending and patronizing, not to mention unwilling to release my medical records, imaging, etc. I have found Roswell, though smaller and less "renowned" to be a much more willing partner in my care- very proactive. Despite their smaller size, they actually do have a really excellent reputation for many cancers with melanoma being one of them. They are, at the moment, the only center in the Northeast US that still offers IL-2 therapy if that's something you're considering. 

                                I'm not going to get into a discussion about therapies and what should come first, be relegated to the past, etc. I've had IL-2 (at Roswell) along with other therapies and just last week their neurosurgery team removed a rather large brain metastasis and it went so well I was discharged only 48 hrs later- now home and doing very well. It's a personal choice for where to go to get treatment and I would definitely advocate talking to a couple of different specialists at a couple different institutions before making a decision about where is best for you, but I also heartily recommend Roswell and it's doctors, even if they aren't a big name. 

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