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After 44 lymph nodes removed from neck – physical therapy

Forums General Melanoma Community After 44 lymph nodes removed from neck – physical therapy

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      I just wanted to ask if anyone else can share their recovery experience after a complete lymph node dissection of a full side of their neck?

      It has been a little over 2 weeks since mine (44 lymph nodes, some skeletal muscle, and a plum-sized submandibular gland). I start physical therapy tomorrow for my left shoulder and neck. I will also start seeing a speech therapist but that hasn't been setup yet (probably next week).

      Here is my big question: The left side of my tongue is limp (when I curl my tongue only the right side curls, my tongue can touch my back teeth on the right side but only as far back as the canine tooth on my left side). Also, my left lower lip is limp but this is very subtle because the middle and edge of the lip are responding normally. Are these effects temporary?

      Reading about nerve issues regarding the tongue it sounds like nerves do heal themselves quite well. So hopefully it is just a matter of giving my tongue and lip some more time to heal.

      But any advice of nerve healing and/or physical therapy exercises for the neck would be greatly appreciated.

      I start on Ipi in a week, so in many ways the nerve healing and physical therapy are good for me to focus on instead of worrying too much regarding Ipi.


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          Hi… I am not familiar with your procedure but I just wanted to say I hope you are recovering well.    You are in our thoughts!   

            I had a crooked smile for a while. I just practiced moving that side of my lip and now it is back to normal. It took a few months. Never had the tongue issue. My shoulder did not completely recover until I went to physical therapy. A lot of the exercises involved tightening the shoulder blades. Try walking your fingers up the wall to get mobility back. When you can get your arm up, put your hand above your head against the wall and try pulling it away. Keep working on getting your strength back. It’ll come. Good luck!
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