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355 days later

Forums General Melanoma Community 355 days later

  • This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by lkb.
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      I found out 355 days ago that I had a new brain met, suspected to be Stage IV melanoma. This was the same appointment when my unrelated vicious brain tumor was finally defeated. After a year of treatment, my scans are clean. I am too hopelessly scared and defeated to think I am done. Nobody used NED as a term applied to my body. But in fact, right now, there is nothing NOTHING showing up on my scans.

      I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has shared their stories, research, support, and love on this board. Your compassion is endless, generous, and so needed. Thank you. You make the journey bearable.


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    • Replies
          Great news. Sounds like NED to me, even if nobody used the phrase! Hope the roller coaster stops and everything stays good!!!!
            Amen to what Ted said!!!! You have been through an incredibly harsh battle, Judi! Yet, here you are!!!! When asked (or told some version of same!) – “Are you going to die?” I answer, “Not today!” May luck and blessings be yours in the coming days and years. Enjoy!! celeste
              Ditto to Ted and Bubbles,

              I can imagine it’s hard to not be nervous about great news, but I’m so happy to hear this Judi. You’ve been really good to everyone on the board and really helped me too with my questions! I’m just so excited to hear the results from this scan. Your experience with two different types of brain tumors has been invaluable to this board (I’m guessing you could do without that distinction 🙂 ), you too have helped so many people. I remember all of your responses and comments, THANK YOU. Many hugs Judi, can’t wait to hear how you are doing in NED land.

                To deal with and defeat one kind is incredible but to have two different, unrelated brain tumors and win is beyond fantastic! Congratulations on your NED and enjoy your new status. May it be ever lasting.
                Julie in SoCal
                  NED, NED, NED! WOOOHOOOO

                  Happy Dancing with you in SoCal!!!!! Best news all week!


                    Hooray. Judi! Rock it.
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