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2nd Rnd Pembro Tomorrow

Forums General Melanoma Community 2nd Rnd Pembro Tomorrow

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      Hello Family, just checkin' with ya's, i start my 2nd round of Pembro tomorrow morning, cant wait! the farther along i {we} get with the treatment, the better it works! allthough, i want to say it has already shrunk my tumors {wishfull thinking!} of course we wont know untill my next scan. I expressed during  my 1st dose, when i was in the recliner hooked up to my bag of Pembro, i felt a warm burn in my lungs  {thats where my tumors are,}  i imagined that was Keytruda battling its enemy for the 1st time during my war against Melanoma! lol..a lil' update on my side effects, low energy, more so on week 2, apitite is weird, some days no, some days cant get my fill! joint pain in shoulders, arms, yet kinda had this "before" Pembro realy…and of course the biggest "side effect" to date, my tattoos are Bubbling Up! some more then others but, hay! tattoos arnt suppose to be there right? Pembro is doing its job! i can feel the texture of my skin like its "Braille" for the blind! really weird! lol…overall i feel ok, lets bring on round 2 & get that in the history books, im dying to take my next Scan!..take care ya all, sorry i havnt posted in a while, time is flying it seems….love ya guys…Mike

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          Good luck Mike, , I completed round #7 today.


          Nick C

            Some guys have all the fun…I got nothing. Asked my nurse if they were really giving me the drug or just saline.

            Kidding aside, hope the feelings you are having are truly the drug working.




                my father felt the same way, didn't feel a thing from pembro, but he got a complete response anyway! We are all different and hopefully pembro works just as well for you!

                Take care,



                  cheeky Hi Nick! hahaha, i laughed pretty hard at yer note! ya gotta have humor through all this, otherwise its dark & dreary..well, im 2 rounds now into Keytruda, feeling super blah most the time, kinda like a low grade "Flu" that just wont go away. My tattoos are reacting to the meds, raised up & bubbly like "Braille for the blind, guess the Pembro is doing its job right? tattoos arnt suppose to be in our skin haha…Thanks for the laugh Nick, hope yer doing better with yer own treatment, i myself wont know anything for awhile till they issue my first scan to see whats going on, fingers, eyes crossed…


                  Love your attitude Mike, kick that mel to the curb!

                  Take care, 



                    Treatment #4 in the books…your turn Big Mike! Take the fight to the enemy!!


                      Hope it went well and that you're feeling fine.


                        Hay guys & gals, hope this finds you well & kickin' some Tumous Maximus!, well, 2nd Round of Pembro in the ol system, like our Warrior brother "Tex"  pre-warned me, 2nd, maybe even 3rd dose could be a doozy & it is. Minor {so far} Flu-like symptoms, tired, icky-achy bones, a little fuzzy feeling in ol head but, this is a small price to pay for what its doing right?..Thank you all who "well-wished" me, same right back at you'z!..and thank you Merck for creating what could be the very next cure for Melanoma! prematurely, i say thank you…

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