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2nd opinion – NOT what I expected! Ipi vs radiation

Forums General Melanoma Community 2nd opinion – NOT what I expected! Ipi vs radiation

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      Just went to Philly for a second opinion on radiation to my head/neck.

      Philly appointment was Tuesday. Last Friday, I was seen by my radiation oncologist, we were pretty much full steam ahead for starting radiation on May 23 (assuming second opinions at U of Penn and Johns Hopkins concurred).

      Between last Friday and Tuesday, popped yet ANOTHER node in my neck, right behind the still healing incision site from April 11 surgery!

      So, the oncologist at U of Penn said to do the following:

      Just went to Philly for a second opinion on radiation to my head/neck.

      Philly appointment was Tuesday. Last Friday, I was seen by my radiation oncologist, we were pretty much full steam ahead for starting radiation on May 23 (assuming second opinions at U of Penn and Johns Hopkins concurred).

      Between last Friday and Tuesday, popped yet ANOTHER node in my neck, right behind the still healing incision site from April 11 surgery!

      So, the oncologist at U of Penn said to do the following:

      Don't do radiation, don't do surgery. Begin Ipi/Yervoy, for 4 rounds spaced 3 weeks apart.

      Anyone else had this happen?! I do actually work 40 hours a week, in between umpteen zillion doctor appointments. The worst part is I've only been followed to this point by a surgical oncologist. He just handed me off to the radiation oncologist. I am establishing care with a medical oncologist (partner with the radiation oncologist) on Monday!

      Gee, it's just never dull for a moment!

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    • Replies
        MaryBeth and Jeff

          No this did not happen in my husband's case. He underwent Gamma Knife (is undergoing 2nd Gamma Knife today) and is on round 2 of 4 of IPI (Yervoy). His surgical oncolologist passed him off onto a radiation oncologist but he also has a systemic oncologist for the IPI treatments. The reason for the radiation the docs said was because the systemic treatments typically do not pass the blood brain barrier. But after reading on this site, I am seeing others with brain mets doing the IPI only. I am all confused now.

          MaryBeth and Jeff

            No this did not happen in my husband's case. He underwent Gamma Knife (is undergoing 2nd Gamma Knife today) and is on round 2 of 4 of IPI (Yervoy). His surgical oncolologist passed him off onto a radiation oncologist but he also has a systemic oncologist for the IPI treatments. The reason for the radiation the docs said was because the systemic treatments typically do not pass the blood brain barrier. But after reading on this site, I am seeing others with brain mets doing the IPI only. I am all confused now.

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