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s love

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      s love
        I forgot to add that I am unsure if her doctor is correct and I am trying to figure out what this pain is.
        s love
          Hi Shannon. Thank you for sharing this information with us. My mother is presently taking this medication and she too has debilitating pain in her knee, but only in her right knee, and prescription pain meds don’t help.

          We are trying to figure out if the pain is a side effect of the medication. Her doctor said that joint and muscle pain are side effects, however joint & muscle pain cannot only be in one area of the body such as pain in one knee. In other words, her doctor says that the medication causes joint or muscle pain in different areas of the body, not just one area like the knee, and if the pain is concentrated in one area, then the pain is not caused by side effects of the medication.

          Can you please tell me if your husband experiences debilitating pain in one knee or in both knees?

          Also from your comment, the meds are working to shrink the tumors which is truly amazing and provides me with hope and inspiration. Did your husband experience pain in the areas where he has mets (tumors) while he was on the combo?

          s love
            Thank you very much for this information. This is very helpful and we will look into prednisone.
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