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        Hi my wife was stage 3C more than four years ago with a very agressive cancer in pregnancy, had a few distant lymph node metastasis since but has had 5 clear scans since due to doing dentric cell vaccines with low dose nivo and ipi to brak down the supressor cells. She got it in Germany. Here is some reseach from a leading govt funded research organisation in NZ where we are from. This is not the clinic where she gets treated. We still have to go 3x a year for the next two years.

        Our insurance company has paid for this therapy for several years. I have a supporting evidence letter that we used to get it funded and the clinic in Germany provided losts of clinical trial information. They have a 100% sucess rate for patients who show up fully resected and melanoma is the best cancer to have with their therapy. I have other friends who have not had as much sucess will vaccines but melanoma is the sweet spot.

        Happy to answer questions.



          Hi my wife was stage 3C more than four years ago with a very agressive cancer in pregnancy, had a few distant lymph node metastasis since but has had 5 clear scans since due to doing dentric cell vaccines with low dose nivo and ipi to brak down the supressor cells. She got it in Germany. Here is some reseach from a leading govt funded research organisation in NZ where we are from. This is not the clinic where she gets treated. We still have to go 3x a year for the next two years.

          Our insurance company has paid for this therapy for several years. I have a supporting evidence letter that we used to get it funded and the clinic in Germany provided losts of clinical trial information. They have a 100% sucess rate for patients who show up fully resected and melanoma is the best cancer to have with their therapy. I have other friends who have not had as much sucess will vaccines but melanoma is the sweet spot.

          Happy to answer questions.



            Hi my wife was stage 3C more than four years ago with a very agressive cancer in pregnancy, had a few distant lymph node metastasis since but has had 5 clear scans since due to doing dentric cell vaccines with low dose nivo and ipi to brak down the supressor cells. She got it in Germany. Here is some reseach from a leading govt funded research organisation in NZ where we are from. This is not the clinic where she gets treated. We still have to go 3x a year for the next two years.


            Our insurance company has paid for this therapy for several years. I have a supporting evidence letter that we used to get it funded and the clinic in Germany provided losts of clinical trial information. They have a 100% sucess rate for patients who show up fully resected and melanoma is the best cancer to have with their therapy. I have other friends who have not had as much sucess will vaccines but melanoma is the sweet spot.

            Happy to answer questions.


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