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        I was diagnosed with melanoma when I was 30 weeks pregnant. My doctors are telling me that I should not get pregnant again because there is not enough research to show whether there is a link between pregnancy. They think the link could have something to do with the immune system (not the hormones). Does anyone know of any doctors who are specifically looking/researching this potential link?


          I was diagnosed with melanoma when I was 30 weeks pregnant. My doctors are telling me that I should not get pregnant again because there is not enough research to show whether there is a link between pregnancy. They think the link could have something to do with the immune system (not the hormones). Does anyone know of any doctors who are specifically looking/researching this potential link?


            I was diagnosed with melanoma when I was 30 weeks pregnant. My doctors are telling me that I should not get pregnant again because there is not enough research to show whether there is a link between pregnancy. They think the link could have something to do with the immune system (not the hormones). Does anyone know of any doctors who are specifically looking/researching this potential link?

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