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        Thanks Susan! 

        I just went in for my MOHS and all they needed to do was a wide excision. I believe it's stage 1a (Clarks II, .18 Breslow, mitosis 0, no ulceration).

        so it was really good news. He said I didn't need to worry about recurrence in future pregnancy. Have to have a follow up in 4 months so he said if everything was normal, to go ahead. However, I've been reading old posts on this forum with people reporting having a very similar diagnosis and then ending up with recurrence at higher stages after the pregnancy so not sure what to think.




          Thanks Susan! 

          I just went in for my MOHS and all they needed to do was a wide excision. I believe it's stage 1a (Clarks II, .18 Breslow, mitosis 0, no ulceration).

          so it was really good news. He said I didn't need to worry about recurrence in future pregnancy. Have to have a follow up in 4 months so he said if everything was normal, to go ahead. However, I've been reading old posts on this forum with people reporting having a very similar diagnosis and then ending up with recurrence at higher stages after the pregnancy so not sure what to think.




            Thanks Susan! 

            I just went in for my MOHS and all they needed to do was a wide excision. I believe it's stage 1a (Clarks II, .18 Breslow, mitosis 0, no ulceration).

            so it was really good news. He said I didn't need to worry about recurrence in future pregnancy. Have to have a follow up in 4 months so he said if everything was normal, to go ahead. However, I've been reading old posts on this forum with people reporting having a very similar diagnosis and then ending up with recurrence at higher stages after the pregnancy so not sure what to think.



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