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        Thanks that does ease my mind. I have yet to get my Pathology report. Since it was the weekend and all but i plan i retrieving it this week, probably monday or tuesday. 

        I was just skeptical because the lady over the phone just told me itwas benign and not much else. I was estatic but with anything that you expect to be cancerous you want more answers. haha

        I researched Mohs-tek, and their lab focuses primarily on skin biopsies. That is a good sign.  I guess thats why there name is called MOHS-tek. haha

        I shall post my pathology result sometime this week. Thank you :]


            Oh and to add to the whole (mole changing thing) 
            It did change. Not by a substantial amount but i did feel like it was getting larger. in 3 years my boyfriend said it probably got about 2-3 mm larger from when we originally met. 

            I have had that mole on my back for a long time, but since it was on my back i could never really keep an eye on it. 

            Though when i would remember my mole was there i felt like it was bigger or more jagged looking. 
            (Don't know if that was from my paranoia) 



              Got my report in the mail. Diagnosis stated "Compound Melancytic Nevus" 
              So i am in the clear. Have follow up few days from now :]


                Got my report in the mail. Diagnosis stated "Compound Melancytic Nevus" 
                So i am in the clear. Have follow up few days from now :]


                  Got my report in the mail. Diagnosis stated "Compound Melancytic Nevus" 
                  So i am in the clear. Have follow up few days from now :]


                    Oh and to add to the whole (mole changing thing) 
                    It did change. Not by a substantial amount but i did feel like it was getting larger. in 3 years my boyfriend said it probably got about 2-3 mm larger from when we originally met. 

                    I have had that mole on my back for a long time, but since it was on my back i could never really keep an eye on it. 

                    Though when i would remember my mole was there i felt like it was bigger or more jagged looking. 
                    (Don't know if that was from my paranoia) 



                      Oh and to add to the whole (mole changing thing) 
                      It did change. Not by a substantial amount but i did feel like it was getting larger. in 3 years my boyfriend said it probably got about 2-3 mm larger from when we originally met. 

                      I have had that mole on my back for a long time, but since it was on my back i could never really keep an eye on it. 

                      Though when i would remember my mole was there i felt like it was bigger or more jagged looking. 
                      (Don't know if that was from my paranoia) 



                      Thanks that does ease my mind. I have yet to get my Pathology report. Since it was the weekend and all but i plan i retrieving it this week, probably monday or tuesday. 

                      I was just skeptical because the lady over the phone just told me itwas benign and not much else. I was estatic but with anything that you expect to be cancerous you want more answers. haha

                      I researched Mohs-tek, and their lab focuses primarily on skin biopsies. That is a good sign.  I guess thats why there name is called MOHS-tek. haha

                      I shall post my pathology result sometime this week. Thank you :]


                        Thanks that does ease my mind. I have yet to get my Pathology report. Since it was the weekend and all but i plan i retrieving it this week, probably monday or tuesday. 

                        I was just skeptical because the lady over the phone just told me itwas benign and not much else. I was estatic but with anything that you expect to be cancerous you want more answers. haha

                        I researched Mohs-tek, and their lab focuses primarily on skin biopsies. That is a good sign.  I guess thats why there name is called MOHS-tek. haha

                        I shall post my pathology result sometime this week. Thank you :]





                                I do plan on having it removed. Along with another 🙂

                                I was just wondering if any of you have heard of such a thing? No where can I find info or even pictures that look like what I described. And usually when you research melanoma or skin cancer all the (worst possible pictures) show up. But never a mild looking case (though skin cancer should never be considered mild, just saying)



                                  I do plan on having it removed. Along with another 🙂

                                  I was just wondering if any of you have heard of such a thing? No where can I find info or even pictures that look like what I described. And usually when you research melanoma or skin cancer all the (worst possible pictures) show up. But never a mild looking case (though skin cancer should never be considered mild, just saying)



                                    I do plan on having it removed. Along with another 🙂

                                    I was just wondering if any of you have heard of such a thing? No where can I find info or even pictures that look like what I described. And usually when you research melanoma or skin cancer all the (worst possible pictures) show up. But never a mild looking case (though skin cancer should never be considered mild, just saying)


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