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Kootenay Kid

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      Kootenay Kid

        I'm new to all this but everything I read emphasizes getting anything suspicious checked out by a derm & it's not fun when they're not available. Sometimes docs at cancer centers work in teams of derm, oncologist, surgeon etc. so they have weekly meetings where they discuss case management strategies for patients. Can your GP refer you to another derm?  Might need to see an opthamologist about the eye? I think they can use a slit lamp to see through to the back of your eye.  Your derm can distinguish age spots. I'm of similar vintage & was checked over this week by a derm intern who pulled out her manifying glass to look at a few splotches but decided none were important. I'm glad to see young docs (female) getting into this work. Yes, I agree this condition can make a girl go crazy!


        Kootenay Kid

          My shave biopsy extended to the margin (pigmented area) of the incision. The General Surgeon I've signed up with for the Wide Local Excision is planning to take 1 cm in all directions & says this is "world wide standard". My invasive malignant mole was/is 1 cm diameter, is at least 1.1 mm deep (shave biopsy didn't get to the bottom of it) so I have interest in this question as well. (I'm new to melanoma & haven't had any surgeries before).


          Kootenay Kid

            Agreed, ask for a copy of your pathology report. In Canada pathology reports take up to 10 business days = 2 weeks. Make an appointment with your doc to review results. After surgery, you can also ask for a copy of the surgical report. It's quite interesting to read the details. Keep all copies in a binder & take them with you if you're travelling as digital records are often restricted to particular geographic areas. You can ask for copies of any medical tests (CT scans, blood work, etc.) Look up any medical terms. I find I can usually connect the dots & understand most of it.  Another option is sharing this info with a trusted medically savvy friend if you want more info than your doc is providing.


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