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        I went through 4 round of biochemo at UCCC in 2010.  While last checked, I am cancer free, I am still foggy and slow compared to before treatment.  I am also dealing with clinical depression, something I never dealt with before treatment.    If anything, the depression meds are making things worse.

        I feel sure this is realated to my treatment, but I can get no professional to agree with me.  

        It is having a profound impact on my work.  Not to say I cannot do my job, but I was put in to the job I have because I was much better than other candidates and now I am not.  It makes it harder to justify keeping my position.

        I have not seen any treatments that claim to help with the  problerm.  The ABC report suggest chemo-brain can last up to 20 years.  WOW.  

        Seems like the only thing I'm qualified for now is Congress, but I still a conscience so I can't do that.  


        If anyone hears any new info about beating chemo-brain and can remember long enough to post it hear, please do.  


          I went through 4 round of biochemo at UCCC in 2010.  While last checked, I am cancer free, I am still foggy and slow compared to before treatment.  I am also dealing with clinical depression, something I never dealt with before treatment.    If anything, the depression meds are making things worse.

          I feel sure this is realated to my treatment, but I can get no professional to agree with me.  

          It is having a profound impact on my work.  Not to say I cannot do my job, but I was put in to the job I have because I was much better than other candidates and now I am not.  It makes it harder to justify keeping my position.

          I have not seen any treatments that claim to help with the  problerm.  The ABC report suggest chemo-brain can last up to 20 years.  WOW.  

          Seems like the only thing I'm qualified for now is Congress, but I still a conscience so I can't do that.  


          If anyone hears any new info about beating chemo-brain and can remember long enough to post it hear, please do.  


            I went through 4 round of biochemo at UCCC in 2010.  While last checked, I am cancer free, I am still foggy and slow compared to before treatment.  I am also dealing with clinical depression, something I never dealt with before treatment.    If anything, the depression meds are making things worse.

            I feel sure this is realated to my treatment, but I can get no professional to agree with me.  

            It is having a profound impact on my work.  Not to say I cannot do my job, but I was put in to the job I have because I was much better than other candidates and now I am not.  It makes it harder to justify keeping my position.

            I have not seen any treatments that claim to help with the  problerm.  The ABC report suggest chemo-brain can last up to 20 years.  WOW.  

            Seems like the only thing I'm qualified for now is Congress, but I still a conscience so I can't do that.  


            If anyone hears any new info about beating chemo-brain and can remember long enough to post it hear, please do.  

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