The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.

Kim Moriarty

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      Kim Moriarty

        jill i was sadden to read tonight that eric lost his brave fight with malanoma I have been a member since january of 2011 I have never posted on the board but followed it twice a week until my husband lost his nine month battle with stage 1V malanoma june 5th 2011 at 54 he too was my hero, best friend ,soul mate and love of my life. I still came back to follow you and eric to see how he was doing our stories are so similar second marriage found my true love soul mate best friend I take it one day at a time  I want to keep fighting in Tims honor. I found great  support and information on this board and from you and eric inspiration and the will to keep fighting ,the board is a great big family who are fighting together for the same cure .I Will be thinking about you as you begin a new journey and take all the memories and love he gave to you and talk about them everyday I find this helps me, take care.


        Kim Moriarty

          jill i was sadden to read tonight that eric lost his brave fight with malanoma I have been a member since january of 2011 I have never posted on the board but followed it twice a week until my husband lost his nine month battle with stage 1V malanoma june 5th 2011 at 54 he too was my hero, best friend ,soul mate and love of my life. I still came back to follow you and eric to see how he was doing our stories are so similar second marriage found my true love soul mate best friend I take it one day at a time  I want to keep fighting in Tims honor. I found great  support and information on this board and from you and eric inspiration and the will to keep fighting ,the board is a great big family who are fighting together for the same cure .I Will be thinking about you as you begin a new journey and take all the memories and love he gave to you and talk about them everyday I find this helps me, take care.


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