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        Hi, very interesting. My melanoma DID NOT look like a melanoma when they first observed it a year ago. It was not dark, it was reddish, It looked more like funus. In fact my dermatologist said it was nothing to wrry about. And he was shocked when he got the histopathology reports back !!! I've not gotten sicker, in fact I feel great.  But the doctors want to do a CLND on me in 2 weeks. I dont want to do it.



          Hi, very interesting. My melanoma DID NOT look like a melanoma when they first observed it a year ago. It was not dark, it was reddish, It looked more like funus. In fact my dermatologist said it was nothing to wrry about. And he was shocked when he got the histopathology reports back !!! I've not gotten sicker, in fact I feel great.  But the doctors want to do a CLND on me in 2 weeks. I dont want to do it.



            Hi, very interesting. My melanoma DID NOT look like a melanoma when they first observed it a year ago. It was not dark, it was reddish, It looked more like funus. In fact my dermatologist said it was nothing to wrry about. And he was shocked when he got the histopathology reports back !!! I've not gotten sicker, in fact I feel great.  But the doctors want to do a CLND on me in 2 weeks. I dont want to do it.




              I've been following this conversation. I've melanoma stage 3. Surgeon wants to remove all of my lymph nodes in right groin. No sentinal lymph node biopsy was done on me. I only had an ultrasound-guided biopsy done on my lymph nodes: three nodes were biopsied. I do not know which ones (superficial or deep), as they wont let me see my medical records !!!!!  I'm an American, in my 50s, in England. I'm very active and athletic, DO NOT want my ability to do sport to be affected by nerve damage and lymphedema etc. I do cross training and ride horses !!! Since I havent seen the biopsy report I'm very sceptical about haivng a complete lymph node dissection done on me !!!  My surgeoon is tops in his fied, but I'm very sceptical. My superficial nodes are not even swollen! I've no pain. I was diagnosed one year ago.

              I would like to hear your thoughts and anyone elses.




                I've been following this conversation. I've melanoma stage 3. Surgeon wants to remove all of my lymph nodes in right groin. No sentinal lymph node biopsy was done on me. I only had an ultrasound-guided biopsy done on my lymph nodes: three nodes were biopsied. I do not know which ones (superficial or deep), as they wont let me see my medical records !!!!!  I'm an American, in my 50s, in England. I'm very active and athletic, DO NOT want my ability to do sport to be affected by nerve damage and lymphedema etc. I do cross training and ride horses !!! Since I havent seen the biopsy report I'm very sceptical about haivng a complete lymph node dissection done on me !!!  My surgeoon is tops in his fied, but I'm very sceptical. My superficial nodes are not even swollen! I've no pain. I was diagnosed one year ago.

                I would like to hear your thoughts and anyone elses.




                  I've been following this conversation. I've melanoma stage 3. Surgeon wants to remove all of my lymph nodes in right groin. No sentinal lymph node biopsy was done on me. I only had an ultrasound-guided biopsy done on my lymph nodes: three nodes were biopsied. I do not know which ones (superficial or deep), as they wont let me see my medical records !!!!!  I'm an American, in my 50s, in England. I'm very active and athletic, DO NOT want my ability to do sport to be affected by nerve damage and lymphedema etc. I do cross training and ride horses !!! Since I havent seen the biopsy report I'm very sceptical about haivng a complete lymph node dissection done on me !!!  My surgeoon is tops in his fied, but I'm very sceptical. My superficial nodes are not even swollen! I've no pain. I was diagnosed one year ago.

                  I would like to hear your thoughts and anyone elses.


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