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        Thank you all for the responses! I’ll just wait then and go again this summer unless I notice its changing a lot.

          Thank you for your advice! I'll be home this summer and my mom mentioned that there's a really good dermatoogist near by (Las Vegas) that she wants me to go to. Hoping to get at least a few more appointments in while I'm still on their insurance wink I've been reading more about mole mapping and I'm really considering it, even just to give me peace of mind. It's so odd not even knowing if a mole is new. I have a new big one on my pelvis and I keep doing double takes because I'm pretty postive it's new, but you can never really be sure. Maybe I just missed it before. You would think you would notice it growing though! It's as if they just pop up overnight, so crazy. 

          I appreciate your response, I'm glad I'm not the only one with so many atypical moles. Hopefully in a few more years I'll be more used to my moles and be able to spot worrying things easier. I also know that it's normal for new moles to crop up until mid 20s so I suppose thats reassuring.

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