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        Hello.  I’m new to this forum.  I have a somewhat similar story.  I was diagnosed with two 2x2cm melanoma tumors in March 2018 via a lung biopsy and follow-up PET/CT scan (after a small “cyst” on my neck was id’d as probable metastatic).  After a year of Opdivo treatment (11 infusions) a second full body PET/CT scan 10 days ago indicates no evidence of malignancy.  One tumor/nodule is “resolved” from which I gather means it is not there or too small to see (a CT scan 3 mos ago measured it at 2x5mm).  However, the other “nodule” (they had different term — I don’t have the report with me), while showing no maliganacy remains at approximately 1x1cm.  The Onc said is is likely scar tissue.  And I looked at the side by side comparisons of the year old and latest PET/CT scans — there is only black void where there was once two very bright glowing activities.  Even so, I’m not celebrating and I do not use the term NED.  Time will tell — I have another CT scan in 3 mos with what will be my last scheduled Opdivo treatment.  I hope for the same good news.  Afterwards, the plan is periodic scans for the next few years or so.  Am I being overly cautious with the recent results?  Have others had the same emotional reaction of continued uncertainty?  I want to feel good about the results, but I just find it hard to be overly cheered.  Some thoughtful words of wisdom and experience would greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

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