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        I was just diagnosed at the age of 32 with T1A melanoma. I am stil absorbing all of this and trying to understand it.  I understand that this is the "best" phase to be in, but I am so paranoid. I am blonde with fair skin and lots of freckles (which i am now afraid of). My oncologist said that he will take a margin out of my ear (that shouldnt be noticeable) then I will just see a dermatologist  every 6 months for 2 years then once a year. I am confused as towhether my chances of it returning have increased (in other spots on my body). I know that it can come back on my ear (higher chances). I guess I am just looking for some input/experience from people who have gone through this.


        I try really hard to do what  Michael said (Your prognosis is excellent, so if all this is really bothering you, stay away from these boards and go live life. Reading here will most likely not lessen your stress.) but I think I just need more info




          I was just diagnosed at the age of 32 with T1A melanoma. I am stil absorbing all of this and trying to understand it.  I understand that this is the "best" phase to be in, but I am so paranoid. I am blonde with fair skin and lots of freckles (which i am now afraid of). My oncologist said that he will take a margin out of my ear (that shouldnt be noticeable) then I will just see a dermatologist  every 6 months for 2 years then once a year. I am confused as towhether my chances of it returning have increased (in other spots on my body). I know that it can come back on my ear (higher chances). I guess I am just looking for some input/experience from people who have gone through this.


          I try really hard to do what  Michael said (Your prognosis is excellent, so if all this is really bothering you, stay away from these boards and go live life. Reading here will most likely not lessen your stress.) but I think I just need more info




            I was just diagnosed at the age of 32 with T1A melanoma. I am stil absorbing all of this and trying to understand it.  I understand that this is the "best" phase to be in, but I am so paranoid. I am blonde with fair skin and lots of freckles (which i am now afraid of). My oncologist said that he will take a margin out of my ear (that shouldnt be noticeable) then I will just see a dermatologist  every 6 months for 2 years then once a year. I am confused as towhether my chances of it returning have increased (in other spots on my body). I know that it can come back on my ear (higher chances). I guess I am just looking for some input/experience from people who have gone through this.


            I try really hard to do what  Michael said (Your prognosis is excellent, so if all this is really bothering you, stay away from these boards and go live life. Reading here will most likely not lessen your stress.) but I think I just need more info




              I was just diagnosed at the age of 32 with T1A melanoma. I am stil absorbing all of this and trying to understand it.  I understand that this is the "best" phase to be in, but I am so paranoid. I am blonde with fair skin and lots of freckles (which i am now afraid of). My oncologist said that he will take a margin out of my ear (that shouldnt be noticeable) then I will just see a dermatologist  every 6 months for 2 years then once a year. I am confused as towhether my chances of it returning have increased (in other spots on my body). I know that it can come back on my ear (higher chances). I guess I am just looking for some input/experience from people who have gone through this.


              I try really hard to do what  Michael said (Your prognosis is excellent, so if all this is really bothering you, stay away from these boards and go live life. Reading here will most likely not lessen your stress.) but I think I just need more info




                I was just diagnosed at the age of 32 with T1A melanoma. I am stil absorbing all of this and trying to understand it.  I understand that this is the "best" phase to be in, but I am so paranoid. I am blonde with fair skin and lots of freckles (which i am now afraid of). My oncologist said that he will take a margin out of my ear (that shouldnt be noticeable) then I will just see a dermatologist  every 6 months for 2 years then once a year. I am confused as towhether my chances of it returning have increased (in other spots on my body). I know that it can come back on my ear (higher chances). I guess I am just looking for some input/experience from people who have gone through this.


                I try really hard to do what  Michael said (Your prognosis is excellent, so if all this is really bothering you, stay away from these boards and go live life. Reading here will most likely not lessen your stress.) but I think I just need more info




                  I was just diagnosed at the age of 32 with T1A melanoma. I am stil absorbing all of this and trying to understand it.  I understand that this is the "best" phase to be in, but I am so paranoid. I am blonde with fair skin and lots of freckles (which i am now afraid of). My oncologist said that he will take a margin out of my ear (that shouldnt be noticeable) then I will just see a dermatologist  every 6 months for 2 years then once a year. I am confused as towhether my chances of it returning have increased (in other spots on my body). I know that it can come back on my ear (higher chances). I guess I am just looking for some input/experience from people who have gone through this.


                  I try really hard to do what  Michael said (Your prognosis is excellent, so if all this is really bothering you, stay away from these boards and go live life. Reading here will most likely not lessen your stress.) but I think I just need more info



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