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        My son sees Dr. Ross at MD Anderson.  We live in Austin where the local oncologist didn't know that ipi is approved for Stage 3 and the lab can't tell the difference between atypical cells and melanoma.  I'm very thankful that MD Anderson is an option for him.


          My son is also trying to decide whether to do the CLND and this trial.  We were told that the ipi vs interferon is patient choice and then there is the 50% chance of getting Keytruda.  He told the doctor straight out that if he's randomized to ipi (interferron was always off the table), he'll quit the study.  The doctor said he didn't blame him and still acted like he could still decide to enroll.  For now, he's waiting for another scan to make sure some small nodules in the lungs don't grow.

          It is no problem to have a smaller group on one research arm.  Do what is best for you.


            My son is trying to decide whether to do the CLND (and clinicial trial).  As his doctor tells him that the CLND in his case is controvesial, he's inclined to watch and wait.  The specifics are 2 out of 2 nodes in the SLNB were positive, but with less than 10 cells each.  No ulceration of the original tumor and spitzoid features.  Since his CT scan showed tiny nodules on the lung, he decided to repeat the scan in 6 weeks before making any decision.  Since then, he seems more and more inclined to simply watch and wait.

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