Thanks! I have always had shave or scoop biopsies. A doctor I saw awhile ago was also keen on cauterizing which to me looked like the end of a half eaten breakfast sausage link… This biopsy is just the shave and some of the area is a normal white/fleshy color, with the dark area in the middle where the actual mole was. I actually work for my dermatologist in reception so I can easily have them check for infection or anything weird and I’ll get my results Wednesday, I was just wondering if there is a way to tell just by looking. I have had 30+ moles/spots removed in my life so far and only 2 have been melanoma, not counting the 6 I’m waiting to hear back on. I am going to ask for a referral for a CT scan to check my entire body before the year is over.
I will keep you updated! Thanks for your response!