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worring i might have advanced melanoma

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community worring i might have advanced melanoma

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      im a moroccan 25 old male, 2 years ago i started noticing new atypical moles in my arms face back and penis , all my life i had only 2 moles in my gorin , but at 23 years old i started seeing these moles apearing for no reason, i stupidly burend 2 moles on my right and left arm and they didnt comback , after a while , one that apearde in my right arme freaked me out it had atypical border and had 6 mm in size 1.5 years ago , i tryed to burned it also , after a while it started to comback in the border of the burn, i stupidly ignored it untile now , so i went to a local dermatologist with my mother, he toled me not to freak out , he didnt brought biopsy to te subject , so i asked him should i have a biopsy , he responded that he can remouve it and send it to a pathologist but i shoud pay extra , with no assurance (im an unemployed) i coudnt pay and now im trying to get the money for it, my parents think im just creazy because the dermatologist sayed nothing to worry , but its me who saw the change from a tiny mole to 1 cm atypical mole , our hospital care system is catastrofic like all third world countrys , i dont know even what to expect if find out i have advanced melanoma witch is very likly , i actuly think i have multuple melanoma as one mole in my penis is geting biger , im living in fear and depression , not knowing what to do , i also have swollen lymph glands in my groain and i think i have enlarged liver
      i just want to ask if 2 years old melanomas can be treated or not and what you think about my situation
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          Mohamed, The only way to determine if you have melanoma is to get the pathology. All of your other symptoms are associated with many things including colds etc. and shouldn’t give you worry without a diagnosis.
            Hello Mohamed, im sorry your in a scary situation with your skin abnormalities, untill your doctor CONFIRMS Melanoma or anyother skin conditions, i wouldnt stress to hard on it, BUT! Dont waste any time! Like you said, Morocco’ s Healthcare system does seem dismal but has Public Care called La CNOPS and a lower income insurance plan called (RAMED) that you qualify for being unemployed. Get your Biopsies done bro (test of the moles) that will explain alot….
                CNOPS is an income insurance spesific for peaple who are employed by the state i am unemployed
                To get Ramed i will need a month of paper work and extra 3 month to finaly have the insurance and if it is realy melanoma it will be late
                I am still trying to get the money for the biopsy, i have an appoitement monday with a GP to see his oppinion , the mole on my arm is realy scary having multiple colors from dark to light brown on the edge and it seems spreading slowly to the the surrounding tissue , i cant sleep any more all my taughts are in darkness , the only place i talk about this is here
                the mole on my right arm is defently spreading i feel healthy apart from swollen lymph glands in the groain, witch is wired but when i look at it i see that the mole has spread to the surrounding tisue , and i havent even done a biopsy , i thing the dermatologist knew it is bad thing bad he just wanted the extra pay to remouve it , i think im on the wrong side of the world if a want to survive melanoma , i need support but i cant get in my country
                    Hi Mohamed, your situation is both heartbreaking and frightening, that you have to live with the unknowing due to the state of your medical system. I hope that you can find some peace until you find a solution. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.
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