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WLE/SLNB on ear, now no feeling

Forums General Melanoma Community WLE/SLNB on ear, now no feeling

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      I had a 1b WLE on the outer helix of my ear on Wednesday (7/18) plus a SLNB at the same time.  Now, a few days past surgery, I have no feeling on my ear at all, it's as if the numbing agent is still present.  I have pain from the SLNB, more in my jaw than anything.  Is this normal?  Drain came out on Friday, and I certainly felt that one!  But the ear itself, no feeling.

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          Anytime you have surgery nerves are messed with and this can lead to lasting numb or tingling feelings. It will likely resolve over time, but nerves take a while to heal. Call your surgeon's office tomorrow and let them know, always best to keep the doctor in the loop too.


              Thanks.  I put a message in to the surgeon.  I do see her again this coming Friday to get my stitches out and discuss the results.


              I had a WLE and SLNB on April 24,2018 on my neck and could not feel my ear . It's haven't slept on that side since then . I just had a Complete lymph node dissection and paratoid gland removed. It's still don't have all feeling back. But it's like a numb painful feeling in my ear?? 


                  Yeah, sleeping is interesting, because that side used to be my "good side".  On the other side, my left, I had a manipulation for frozen shoulder 2 years ago, and I sometimes still have a little pain.  I've found a way to sleep on my stomach, though, so that my ear doesn't touch the pillow.


                  I had surgery around my ear and down my neck over 2 years ago now. The feeling is still gone, but I don't notice it anymore. I had a hard time sleeping on that side for about a year because it was so weird, like sleeping on rocks, but now my body has seemed to adjust to the lack of feeling. My boyfriend sometimes plays with that ear to make sure I still can't feel it and threatens to peirce it in my sleep. haha!


                      What I hate the most is when my ear itches I can't scratch it because scratching it does nothing.


                      My left ear lobe hurt a little off and on since 2008 when a mole behind that ear was found to be melanoma and I had SLNB.  That ear lobe and below it has hurt a little continuously, since I had radiation 2 months ago to a cancer below my left jaw.  I ignore the pain. I am happy to be alive and assume most people my age (74) have more pain than I do.  I do not have arthritis.


                        I had surgery on my left ear on the superior (posterior) crus of antihelix back in Oct 17 and my ear is still mostly numb.  I also had a SNLB on my neck below my ear which resulted in the lost of some motion on my left bottom lip however, I have regained some movement back over the past year.  I'm told it could take up to two years for complete recovery from the numbness and loss of movement.  Give it some time to hear and regenerate the nerves.

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