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WLE and SNLB Done, Waiting for Results

Forums General Melanoma Community WLE and SNLB Done, Waiting for Results

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      This is my first post, although I've read every post I could since my diagnosis in May. The people on this board have really helped me by sharing their experiences, so I felt perhaps mine will help another person who shows up here, looking for information and realy experiences.

      I had a "funny spot" removed from my upper back/lower neck just to the right of center in April. It turned out to be melanoma and was deep enough that my dermatologist said I needed the WLE and SNLB done to either get it all out or get it staged. I had the surgeries on Tuesday 5/10 and am waiting for the results. The doctor expects to have them by my appt this Friday 5/20.

      I had the shots for the SNLB done fairly early in the morning. I had been dreading that part having read some horror stories about the pain. I had 4 injections, 2 I barely felt and the other 2 burned for a few seconds and that was it. I was so relieved. I was told it's different for everyone, so maybe I'm just lucky!

      The surgeries were in the afternoon and I was under general anesthesia. Two hours later I was waking up and was soon sent home with pain pills and instructions on how to care for the area. I only had one lympy node removed and it was in my neck to the left of the WLE.  I look like someone tried to chop my head off and for a day or two I also felt like that. My throat was sore on the inside from the breathing tube and my neck was swollen from the surgery. Six days later, i feel fine except for a stiff neck caused most likely by being told to sleep with several pillows behind me so keep the swelling down.

      I share all this only to say that after a tremendous amount of waiting and worrying, it all went very well and really wasn't any huge deal. I only wish they could have taken care of it all those first couple of weeks!! So, if you are new and wondering or worrying about this part of the process, try not to stress too much. If you are stressed, come here and talk about it. I wish I had shared earlier. It just seemed to make it too real at the time. 

      As I said earlier, I get my results later this week. We will move on from there! Thanks for being here.


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    • Replies

          Just realized I said I was diagonosed in May. It was actually March!  


            Just realized I said I was diagonosed in May. It was actually March!  


                Wait! It takes 2 months from diagnosis to surgery? I was just diagnosed 5/10 and have my forst oncology appointment today 5/17. So far, I think I've handled it pretty well – at least outwardly but, if I have to wait another month for surgery, I think I'll go out of my mind.

                Having said that, thanks for sharing your surgical experience, it helps knowing what's ahead. Positive thoughts for good results!




                  Ann, I'm sorry your have this diagnosis. It's a shocking thing to hear about your body, isn't it? It takes time to process this information. I wanted to have the surgery done as soon as possible but that's just not how it worked for me. 

                  Two weeks of the delay was due to a previously scheduled vacation that involved other people. I thought I could have it done before we left but the surgeon said he didn't want me to be out of town so soon after and that waiting another two weeks would not make any difference. My dermatologist agreed. I have to say that I'm glad I went with that since we did have a good vacation!

                  Thanks for the positive thoughts. I am thinking them for you, too.




                    Ann, I'm sorry your have this diagnosis. It's a shocking thing to hear about your body, isn't it? It takes time to process this information. I wanted to have the surgery done as soon as possible but that's just not how it worked for me. 

                    Two weeks of the delay was due to a previously scheduled vacation that involved other people. I thought I could have it done before we left but the surgeon said he didn't want me to be out of town so soon after and that waiting another two weeks would not make any difference. My dermatologist agreed. I have to say that I'm glad I went with that since we did have a good vacation!

                    Thanks for the positive thoughts. I am thinking them for you, too.




                      Ann, I'm sorry your have this diagnosis. It's a shocking thing to hear about your body, isn't it? It takes time to process this information. I wanted to have the surgery done as soon as possible but that's just not how it worked for me. 

                      Two weeks of the delay was due to a previously scheduled vacation that involved other people. I thought I could have it done before we left but the surgeon said he didn't want me to be out of town so soon after and that waiting another two weeks would not make any difference. My dermatologist agreed. I have to say that I'm glad I went with that since we did have a good vacation!

                      Thanks for the positive thoughts. I am thinking them for you, too.




                        Wait! It takes 2 months from diagnosis to surgery? I was just diagnosed 5/10 and have my forst oncology appointment today 5/17. So far, I think I've handled it pretty well – at least outwardly but, if I have to wait another month for surgery, I think I'll go out of my mind.

                        Having said that, thanks for sharing your surgical experience, it helps knowing what's ahead. Positive thoughts for good results!




                          Wait! It takes 2 months from diagnosis to surgery? I was just diagnosed 5/10 and have my forst oncology appointment today 5/17. So far, I think I've handled it pretty well – at least outwardly but, if I have to wait another month for surgery, I think I'll go out of my mind.

                          Having said that, thanks for sharing your surgical experience, it helps knowing what's ahead. Positive thoughts for good results!




                          Just realized I said I was diagonosed in May. It was actually March!  


                            Thank you so much for posting this.  I am newly diagnosed (5/2/2016), and have my first oncology appointment on 5/26/2016.  The major delay was finding a Cancer Center that can treat this.  The closest is the University of Michigan which is 90 minutes away, and they are one of the top rated Melanoma centers in the country, so fingers crossed.  I truly appreciate all the information you posted….especially the shots prior to the SLNB.  I was hoping to postpone treatment until later this summer, but everyone on here has encouraged me to get this done as soon as possible.  Wish me luck!!



                              Thank you so much for posting this.  I am newly diagnosed (5/2/2016), and have my first oncology appointment on 5/26/2016.  The major delay was finding a Cancer Center that can treat this.  The closest is the University of Michigan which is 90 minutes away, and they are one of the top rated Melanoma centers in the country, so fingers crossed.  I truly appreciate all the information you posted….especially the shots prior to the SLNB.  I was hoping to postpone treatment until later this summer, but everyone on here has encouraged me to get this done as soon as possible.  Wish me luck!!



                                  Stan, I do wish you luck. I join those who say get it done sooner rather than later. Carrying this new knowledge about your body is a very heavy weight. I'm a firm believer in knowing facts and making decisions based on those facts. Once you know what's going on (or not going on) you will feel better because you will have a plan. You can still have a good summer after you take care of this! Keep in touch.



                                    Stan, I do wish you luck. I join those who say get it done sooner rather than later. Carrying this new knowledge about your body is a very heavy weight. I'm a firm believer in knowing facts and making decisions based on those facts. Once you know what's going on (or not going on) you will feel better because you will have a plan. You can still have a good summer after you take care of this! Keep in touch.



                                      Stan, I do wish you luck. I join those who say get it done sooner rather than later. Carrying this new knowledge about your body is a very heavy weight. I'm a firm believer in knowing facts and making decisions based on those facts. Once you know what's going on (or not going on) you will feel better because you will have a plan. You can still have a good summer after you take care of this! Keep in touch.



                                      Thank you so much for posting this.  I am newly diagnosed (5/2/2016), and have my first oncology appointment on 5/26/2016.  The major delay was finding a Cancer Center that can treat this.  The closest is the University of Michigan which is 90 minutes away, and they are one of the top rated Melanoma centers in the country, so fingers crossed.  I truly appreciate all the information you posted….especially the shots prior to the SLNB.  I was hoping to postpone treatment until later this summer, but everyone on here has encouraged me to get this done as soon as possible.  Wish me luck!!



                                        Hi LaurieGayle and hello to everyone on the board. I too have been lurking since my GP first referred me to a dermatologist for the first biopsy and am very grateful for such a huge database of knowledge and experience.

                                        Thank you for posting this I was just diagnosed as so far stage 1b 1.65mm with a Mitotic rate of 4 on April 29th and my first appointment with the BC Cancer Agency to schedule the WLE and SLNB is on Friday May 20th. It's been the longest three weeks of my life and the idea that it could be a month or longer for the surgery and then again for the pathology is overwhelming. 

                                        I am glad you are feeling well and wish you luck on your results. 



                                          Hi LaurieGayle and hello to everyone on the board. I too have been lurking since my GP first referred me to a dermatologist for the first biopsy and am very grateful for such a huge database of knowledge and experience.

                                          Thank you for posting this I was just diagnosed as so far stage 1b 1.65mm with a Mitotic rate of 4 on April 29th and my first appointment with the BC Cancer Agency to schedule the WLE and SLNB is on Friday May 20th. It's been the longest three weeks of my life and the idea that it could be a month or longer for the surgery and then again for the pathology is overwhelming. 

                                          I am glad you are feeling well and wish you luck on your results. 



                                              Hi Kimerbly!  I know, the waiting is so hard. I thought I was doing okay but my husband noticed I was really distracted and not paying any attention to anything. I realized that I really was in a fog. A huge part of my brain was occupied with this news and what it might mean.  I'm so glad he has gone to every doctor's appointment with me and has really been supportive. 

                                              Tomorrow is your surgery. Tomorrow is my follow-up after my surgery last week. I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best day possible. May you feel no pain and may everything go as scheduled!!



                                                Hi Kimerbly!  I know, the waiting is so hard. I thought I was doing okay but my husband noticed I was really distracted and not paying any attention to anything. I realized that I really was in a fog. A huge part of my brain was occupied with this news and what it might mean.  I'm so glad he has gone to every doctor's appointment with me and has really been supportive. 

                                                Tomorrow is your surgery. Tomorrow is my follow-up after my surgery last week. I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best day possible. May you feel no pain and may everything go as scheduled!!



                                                  I was just telling my husband today that I feel like I am doing really well emotionally but I'm in a complete fog I have a difficult job and I can tell it's been feeling like so much more of a drain. I am not preoccupied consciously thinking of the cancer I'm just slowed down almost.

                                                  Tomorrow isn't actually my surgery it's just a consult with the cancer agency who will arrange the surgery time. 

                                                  I hope you receive good news tomorrow and that everything is all clear yes



                                                    I was just telling my husband today that I feel like I am doing really well emotionally but I'm in a complete fog I have a difficult job and I can tell it's been feeling like so much more of a drain. I am not preoccupied consciously thinking of the cancer I'm just slowed down almost.

                                                    Tomorrow isn't actually my surgery it's just a consult with the cancer agency who will arrange the surgery time. 

                                                    I hope you receive good news tomorrow and that everything is all clear yes



                                                      I was just telling my husband today that I feel like I am doing really well emotionally but I'm in a complete fog I have a difficult job and I can tell it's been feeling like so much more of a drain. I am not preoccupied consciously thinking of the cancer I'm just slowed down almost.

                                                      Tomorrow isn't actually my surgery it's just a consult with the cancer agency who will arrange the surgery time. 

                                                      I hope you receive good news tomorrow and that everything is all clear yes



                                                        Hi Kimerbly!  I know, the waiting is so hard. I thought I was doing okay but my husband noticed I was really distracted and not paying any attention to anything. I realized that I really was in a fog. A huge part of my brain was occupied with this news and what it might mean.  I'm so glad he has gone to every doctor's appointment with me and has really been supportive. 

                                                        Tomorrow is your surgery. Tomorrow is my follow-up after my surgery last week. I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best day possible. May you feel no pain and may everything go as scheduled!!



                                                        Hi LaurieGayle and hello to everyone on the board. I too have been lurking since my GP first referred me to a dermatologist for the first biopsy and am very grateful for such a huge database of knowledge and experience.

                                                        Thank you for posting this I was just diagnosed as so far stage 1b 1.65mm with a Mitotic rate of 4 on April 29th and my first appointment with the BC Cancer Agency to schedule the WLE and SLNB is on Friday May 20th. It's been the longest three weeks of my life and the idea that it could be a month or longer for the surgery and then again for the pathology is overwhelming. 

                                                        I am glad you are feeling well and wish you luck on your results. 



                                                          Hello to Stan and Ann as well it looks like we are all right around he same steps of this horrible thing. 


                                                            Hello to Stan and Ann as well it looks like we are all right around he same steps of this horrible thing. 


                                                              Hello to Stan and Ann as well it looks like we are all right around he same steps of this horrible thing. 


                                                                  Good luck tomorrow Kimberly. I'll keep you in my thoughts. My WLE & SLNB are scheuled for June 2nd so it'll be a little over 3 weeks since diagnosis…I guess I can't really complain about that.


                                                                    Good luck tomorrow Kimberly. I'll keep you in my thoughts. My WLE & SLNB are scheuled for June 2nd so it'll be a little over 3 weeks since diagnosis…I guess I can't really complain about that.


                                                                      Good luck tomorrow Kimberly. I'll keep you in my thoughts. My WLE & SLNB are scheuled for June 2nd so it'll be a little over 3 weeks since diagnosis…I guess I can't really complain about that.


                                                                        I had my first meeting with my oncologist on May 17th. Up until then, I had handled things – at least outwardly – pretty well. When the doc asked me to make a simple decision, I couldn't handle it and I burst into tears. Crying is not my thing at all and I felt like such an idiot.

                                                                        What I'm trying to say is, even though you'll get a lot of information tomorrow that you need to hear, it can be an emotional experience. Just hang in there and accept the emotions if they come, don't try to fight them.


                                                                          I had my first meeting with my oncologist on May 17th. Up until then, I had handled things – at least outwardly – pretty well. When the doc asked me to make a simple decision, I couldn't handle it and I burst into tears. Crying is not my thing at all and I felt like such an idiot.

                                                                          What I'm trying to say is, even though you'll get a lot of information tomorrow that you need to hear, it can be an emotional experience. Just hang in there and accept the emotions if they come, don't try to fight them.


                                                                            Hi Ann

                                                                            i am not even sure what is going to happen tomorrow. I know I need the WLE and SLNB but what else is there to talk about? They told me to plan to be there for a few hours?!

                                                                            I am glad you have your surgery scheduled for so soon. I saw your posts about the WLE trial  I honestly don't know what I would do in your shoes and I am sure the extra emotional burden of that decision is not easy.

                                                                            I hope having the surgery scheduled gives you some relief.


                                                                              Hi Ann

                                                                              i am not even sure what is going to happen tomorrow. I know I need the WLE and SLNB but what else is there to talk about? They told me to plan to be there for a few hours?!

                                                                              I am glad you have your surgery scheduled for so soon. I saw your posts about the WLE trial  I honestly don't know what I would do in your shoes and I am sure the extra emotional burden of that decision is not easy.

                                                                              I hope having the surgery scheduled gives you some relief.


                                                                                Hi Ann

                                                                                i am not even sure what is going to happen tomorrow. I know I need the WLE and SLNB but what else is there to talk about? They told me to plan to be there for a few hours?!

                                                                                I am glad you have your surgery scheduled for so soon. I saw your posts about the WLE trial  I honestly don't know what I would do in your shoes and I am sure the extra emotional burden of that decision is not easy.

                                                                                I hope having the surgery scheduled gives you some relief.


                                                                                  I had my first meeting with my oncologist on May 17th. Up until then, I had handled things – at least outwardly – pretty well. When the doc asked me to make a simple decision, I couldn't handle it and I burst into tears. Crying is not my thing at all and I felt like such an idiot.

                                                                                  What I'm trying to say is, even though you'll get a lot of information tomorrow that you need to hear, it can be an emotional experience. Just hang in there and accept the emotions if they come, don't try to fight them.

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